18: Explode

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Sierra's P.O.V.


"Bye," I kissed Gerard's cheek as he walked down my lawn, on his way home.

I smiled to myself and turned around when something caught my attention. A faint red glitter from my driveway.

I made my way over to the driveway, and what I saw, baffled me.

A smashed heart necklace. Well, not smashed, more like a huge crack from top to bottom splitting it in half.

I picked it up and stuffed it in my pocket, and going back inside to put it in my jewelry box.

-End Of Flashback-

I sighed and stared at the ceiling, recalling all the memories me and Patrick shared together.

-Second Flashback-

"C'mon Snow!" Patrick begged me, pulling my hand, trying to get me to go down the dark path.

"Patrick no, I hate the dark, you know that!" I protested attempting to pull my hand back, failing because he is way stronger than me.

"Sierra, trust me, we have the moon and the fireflies,"

I thought for a moment, but refused, I have a babyish fear of werewolves also, so full moons are not my thing.

"Then I'll have to carry you," He giggled picking me up bridal style.

"Hey!" I yelled wiggling around.

"Stop fighting Baby Bear," He giggled tightening his grip.

"Ugh, fiiiiinne," I groaned stopping.

He giggled and gave me a small Eskimo kiss, making me blush.

He walked along the path in the woods, darkness surrounding us. The fireflies like little stars in the air, blinking and flying around our heads.

We eventually got to a clearing in the trees, where the moonlight glowed through the trees.

" Here it is." He whispered in my ear.

The sky was covered in tiny blue and white glowing dots. Even imbetween stars there were littler stars. The moon shined brightly, lighting up the firefly covered grass with a brilliant blueish-white.

" Wow..."

" See? I needed to show you." He whispered putting me back on the ground.

Patrick hugged me from behind and placed a kiss on my cheek making me giggle.

" Pattycakes," I whined trying to pull away from his hug.

"Snowy," He whined in the same voice as me.

I pouted making him pout back, batting his eyelashes.

"I freaking love you," He giggled squeezing me.

" I love you too, Tricky." I smiled nuzzling into him.

A blood curling choking sound ripped away my thoughts.

My stomach dropped and I instinctively jumped up and ran downstairs.

I sprinted into the kitchen, to see my mom lying on the floor, in Dave's arms while he called an ambulance.

"Oh my gosh! What happened?" I asked, tears forming in my eyes.

Dave completely ignored me, and hung up the phone.

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