3: Don't Trust Me

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Patricks P.O.V.

P-Friday directly after school at my house everybody is welcome to sleep over

I waited a few minutes and got no response. Weird.

I shoved my phone in my pocket and got up.

I made my way to the kitchen to find my mom cooking dinner.

"Hey mom, do you mind if I invite my friends over on Friday for a mini party type thing?" I asked sitting at the island in the middle of my kitchen.

"Oh that's fine Patrick, who is coming?" She turned her head and smiled.

"Oh um, Pete, Joe, Andy, Roxie, Lexi, Gerard, Frank, Brendon, Spencer, Hailey and Sierra." She looked at me mischievously.

"Who's Sierra?" She asked smirking. Oh man she's really going there.

"She transferred from Massachusetts and we met in the hallway and now we're friends." She smirked again.

"I bet you like her," She giggled.

"Mom no! We met today!" I blushed A LOT.

What is everybody's deal? We're just friends.

"Anyway, dinners ready, eat up." She placed a bowl of Mac n cheese in front of me.

I wonder what Sierras up to...

Sierra's P.O.V.

I sat up and got out of my bed, avoiding the glass on the floor, and made my way to the bathroom.

I walked in and shut the door, locking it, and looked in the mirror.

I had 2 cuts on my face, several on my arms, and a few on my legs.

Well fuck you Dave.

I cleaned my bleeding cuts and bandaged them up.

I slowly opened the door and made my way downstairs.

With each step the scent of menthols and alcohol got stronger.

When I got to the bottom of the stairs and took a right into the dining room, and into the kitchen.

I made myself a ham and cheese sandwich and crept upstairs silently into my room.

After I ate my sandwich I heard my moms voice downstairs.

"Oh yea Sierras upstairs." I heard Dave say "politely".

I heard footsteps and soon enough my mom opened the door.

"Hey sweetie-what's this?" She asked pointing to the broken glass.

"If I tell you you won't believe me." I said sitting on my bed.

"You're gonna say it was Dave aren't you." She sighed.

"Because it was him." I mumbled turning to face the wall.

"Ill talk to him, okay, just clean this up." She slowly shut the door.

I jumped off my bed and got the trash can from the corner of my room.

I picked up each piece until they were all gone and checked my phone.

Patrick again.


I sighed.

It's already 8:30?

I'm pretty tired anyway.

S-Sorry Trick had to do stuff I'm going to bed

P~I like that nickname :) night

I put my phone on the bedside table and got into bed.

I remembered what Pete had said earlier.

"Pat likes her no doubt."

What if he does like me? I wonder.

After thinking for a while I drifted off into a light sleep.


I was in a room, it had a bed, dresser, bedroom stuff.

I was sitting on the bed with someone,

"Hey." He said smiling.

"Hi." I answered.

"Um Sierra I have to tell you something, I like you." He intertwined his fingers with mine.

"What?"I asked.

"Yep." He whispered leaning in connecting our lips.

"WOAH!" I sat up quickly.


You don't like Patrick, you don't like Patrick.

Do you?


But he's so sweet.


But he's so nice.

No just a friend, shut up mini Patrick lover in my head.

I fell back into my bed.

After a few minutes I was over taken by sleep.



I slammed my fist onto my alarm clock stopping it.

I slowly sat up, yawning. I crawled out of bed and stretched a little.

I went to my dresser and started digging through my clothes.

I picked out a navy blue rock n roll shirt, black skinny jeans, red converse, and my black laced beanie.

I grabbed my phone off my bedside table and grabbed my bag off the floor. I ran out of my room shutting the door behind me and shuffled into the bathroom.

I put on my makeup and brushed my hair then made my way downstairs.

I got downstairs to see my mom an Dave asleep on the couch, their ashtrays still smoking. I gagged a little and went into the kitchen.

FYI, Dave got my mom into smoking when they were in high school. *gags*

I grabbed a bagel out of the cabinet and skipped to the door holding my breath. I ran out side and started to the bus stop.

I walked across the street and took a bite of my bagel.

After a few minutes of waiting and eating a bagel, the bus came speeding through the cold September air.

It got closer and stopped in front of me.

I took a deep breath, day two.

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