25: You Will Remember Me

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Patrick's P.O.V.

I hopped into the Fall Out Boy tour bus and plopped my white guitar in my bunk, quickly grabbing pjs and running to the bathroom, trying to get in the shower first.

The door of the bus flung open, the guys barging in arguing about who showers first.

I laughed evilly to myself and opened the door to the bathroom, tipping my hat to the guys.

"Thank you my kind sirs," I laughed slamming the door and locking it.

"Bitch!" Pete yelled, slapping the door.

"It's what I do," I joked, hearing him chuckle a little.


After I showered I found myself watching an old Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles marathon on a Nickelodeon channel, sipping my green tea from my Batman mug.

The guys were in the bunk room, planning something, probably a party, seeing tomorrow is our last Save Rock And Roll concert.

Thank god this is over. I can go home and see my amazing wife, and not worry about life. Maybe even start a family, that'd be great...

"Yo Pat!" I heard Pete's energetic voice yell. "Wanna have a party on Friday?!"

"Sure. And don't call me Pat."

"You need to turn down the Patitude!!!" He yelled, making those three crack up, and I chuckled a little, focusing back onto the TV.

I am scared to know what they are planning in there.

Joe's P.O.V.

"A party?" I asked, pulling my crazed afro into a sloppy pony tail.

"Yea, like, invite a bunch of old friends," Pete and Andy agreed.

"Sure, just as long as I can see Al, when we get back tomorrow,"

"Of course, and I'll see Terra," Andy said, Pete getting a saddened look on his face.

"Y-yea," He walked off into the living space where Patrick was.

"He's probably just lonely, but him and Patrick will be very shocked when they hear who's invited..." Andy chuckled, and I smirked evilly as I remembered our devious plan.

Sierra's P.O.V.

I hummed a made up tune, walking into the bathroom, tying my hair in a bun and getting out my toothbrush.

When I was in the middle of brushing, my phone vibrated, saying I had a text from an unknown number, so you know, I casually unlocked it, until I read it, and I spat out my toothbrush and all the toothpaste when I saw who had sent it. It read,

Hey Sierra, it's Joe, we are having a party this Saturday and I was wondering if you wanted to come, bring Roxie too, it'll be fun.

I nearly passed out at that moment, until Roxie barged in, phone in hand, shock in her eyes.

"Should we..?" She said softly, running a hand through her newly died black-brown hair.

"I don't know... I'll ask Gerard, he knows everything,"


I had just gotten off the phone with Gerard, and he wished me good night, saying he missed me when I was only going to be at Roxie's for the night.

So, My Chemical Romance was invited and going, along with Panic, Paramore, and apparently Joe said that only him and Andy were going to be there because Patrick and Pete had an interview.

Patrick, I haven't heard that name in a long time.

The man who ignored me when I needed him most.

People say when you hold a grudge for too long it's just ridiculous. I've had this grudge for thirteen years. Thirteen. Yet I still won't drop it, and Roxie's annoyed by that. Probably because she wasn't ignored by the one person who could help her get through her parents dying and having to leave all her new friends.

And if that's not a legitimate reason to hold a grudge for 13 years, I don't know what is.

"Should we go?" Roxie asked for the second time after I had spoken to Gerard.

I nodded a little.

"My Chem will be there and a few other bands. Joe said the rest of Fall Out Boy can't go but him and Andy can."

"Oh, so should we go?"

"I mean, sure, we could see Hayley, and Joe, Andy, everybody,"

"Saturday?" She asked.

I nodded.

It was decided, we were going.

Joe's P.O.V.

We had done it.

Roxie and Sierra were coming, and they didn't know that Pete and Patrick are gonna be there. Pete and Patrick also don't know they are going to be there.

It's the perfect plan to get them together.

Me and Andy have been trying for years to get Pat and Sierra in each others' pants, but nothing has worked, so maybe a party can....

-Saturday-Day Of The Party-

Sierra's P.O.V.

"Come ooooooon!" Roxie yelled from the living room.

"I'm coming just be patient!!!" I replied, applying the last of my makeup and running into the living room of her apartment.

"Now come on!" She said pulling me out the door.

We got to her small black car and got in, planning to meet Gerard and Frank there.


We pulled into Joe's driveway, and I admired his FUCKING GIGANTIC house.

"Woah." I said, shocked.

"Yea, wow," She turned off the car and opened up her door, me doing the same.

We made our way up to the door and she knocked lightly, Joe opening it almost immediately.

"Guys!!!!!" He yelled, squeezing us in a group hug.

"Come on in, everyone's in the back yard." Joe led us to the back yard, and I smiled as I saw all my old friends.

Holy shit.


I panicked a little and Joe noticed my excitement, telling me he'd introduce me to Alex when he was done with his round of Chubby Bunny.

I jumped happily as I felt arms wrap around me tightly.


"ANDDYYYYY!" I yelled hugging him back as he lifted me from the ground and swung me back and forth.

He quickly dropped me and smiled.


I giggled and we shared a small conversation, until I went to go see Paramore and Panic! At The Disco, and when I was the middle of doing my handshake with Brendon, I felt two arms slowly snake around my waist, and a soft kiss on my neck.

I squealed and Gerard giggled at how surprised I was.

I laughed evilly and ran away from him and Brendon, not paying attention to what was in front of me.

Suddenly I smashed into a wall, but it wasn't a wall, it was a person.

"Oh, s-sorry," I said softly.

"No it's fi-..."

I slowly looked up at who I had ran straight into.

I was looking straight into the eyes of my former best friend.


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