13: Decode

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Patrick's P.O.V.

I slowly pushed the door open, my hand shaking. I let out a sigh and forced myself to go inside.

I took a small step, others following that one, and went in. I looked up, and the first thing I saw, was her.

She was pale, her arms and face looked so fragile, like at the touch of a feather would break her. I slowly pulled up a chair to the side of the bed and sat in it, slowly, still shaky.

I reached out my hand and placed it on Sierra's. Everybody else was standing at the other side of her, looking at her sadly.

"Do the doctors know what happened?" Hayley asked breaking the silence.

"No, she was found in her front yard, freezing to death in a snow bank," I replied squeezing her hand that didn't have the cast on it.

"Wow," She replied sadly.

"Yea," I nodded.

We all sat there, staring at Sierra, her hand in mine, tears flowing up in my eyes.

"Guys wanna go to the food court downstairs so Patrick can stay with Sierra?" Pete asked making me look up.

They both nodded and they left the room, leaving me alone with her.

I stood up a little and slowly snuggled into the bed next to Sierra, having to move her a little to the right.

I slung my arm around her waist, using my other arm to support my head. I hugged her close and placed a small kiss on her head.

"Hi Baby Bear," I whispered rubbing the bright red cast on her right arm.

I knew she wouldn't reply, but I needed to talk to her.

"Please wake up," I sobbed hugging her tightly, placing my face in the crook of her neck. I kissed her neck lightly and I swear I saw her lips curl into a small smile.


No reply. I bet I was just seeing things.

I spent about an hour talking to her, crying at some points, until Pete Roxie and Hayley came back, then I had a small amount of hospital Mac n cheese and then went back to talking to Sierra while they sat and watched.

"Dude your mom is coming to pick us up in like five minutes," Roxie said checking the time on her phone.

"But..." I trailed off, glancing at Sierra.

"Bear, do you want me to stay with you?" I asked squeezing her hand.

That's the first time I saw her move.

She let out a small groan, so quiet that I was the only one who heard.

Her hand gripped my hand back, squeezing it a little, immediately going back to sleep.

"I can't leave." I said strictly.

"Pat, you can't just stay here," Pete said furrowing his eyebrows.

"I'll ask a nurse," I said confidently, walking out into the hall and going to the nearest nurse.

"Um, excuse me, am I allowed to stay here for the night in Sierra White's room?" I asked nervously.

"I'm sorry sir but no visitors are allowed to-"

"I could keep an eye on her, to see if she wakes up, and I could make sure she safe and keep her company and-"

"Okay, you can stay for tonight, but you'll have to find a place to sleep, you're not allowed to sleep in her bed,"

"Okay, thank you," I replied walking back into the room.

I opened the door of the room and sat in a chair next to the bed.

I pulled my phone out and texted my mom.

Patrick- Can I stay at the hospital tonight?

Mom~ Sure honey, I'll pick you up at 10

Patrick- K

I stuffed my phone into my pocket and looked at Pete and everybody who were staring at me.

"I'm staying," I said happily.

"Kay," Hayley replied shrugging.

Tonight's gonna be a loooonnggg night.


I flipped through the channels on the small tv, eventually stopping on a weird nature show about the desert. It's pretty cool actually. I put down the remote and turned my attention to Sierra, who slept soundly next to me in the hospital bed.

I don't care about what a freaking nurse says. I'm staying right here until I go to sleep then I will move to a freaking chair.

I sighed a little and looked at my Snowy.

I hope she wakes up soon.

Sierra's P.O.V. :D

My head is pounding.

I opened my eyes to a dark room with a small tv in the corner.

"What the?" I said looking at the wires in my arms and the red cast on my right.

A sudden pain struck my forehead and I groaned in pain.

"Ah," I whimpered furrowing my eyebrows and holding my head.

Where the heck am I?

I looked around me a little and saw a person sleeping in the chair to the left the bed I was in.

Is that Patrick?

"Patrick?" I asked in a raspy voice.

They shifted a little and it was clearly Patrick. I tried to tap him but the wires and tubes in my arms kept me from touching him.

"Trick?" I asked once more a bit louder. His eyes opened a crack, and he yawned.

Patrick immediately sprung up with a gasp, eyes the size of the moon.

"You're awake!!!" He yelled jumping up and hugging me tightly.

"Yea, I've only been asleep for like an hour, it's still like four in the morning," I laughed hugging him back.

He looked at me with concern in his eyes.

" You've been asleep for four days," He said sadly.

"Woah," I replied looking around.

"So I'm in the hospital," I said noticing the machines and bleachy smell.

"Yea..." He said sitting on the bed.

"What happened?" He asked gesturing to my arm and cuts.

That's when it all came back to me. Being at Patricks, walking home, Dave "teaching me a lesson" for not coming home on time.

"Dave." I replied strictly.

"WHAT!?!!?!?" He yelled a little too loudly.

"Sorry," He apologized in a whisper.

"I'm calling the cops." He said strictly.

"No!" I yelled grabbing his arm.

"Why??? He could've killed you!" He

"Because!!!! If my mom finds out we called the police on him she'll kill me!!! She'll never believe he did this! She'll make some dumb excuse that I fell and broke my arm while I was walking home!!! She would disown me," I said, tears flowing up in my eyes.

"Bear," He cooed hugging me.

"We'll figure something out, okay?"


"Now, lets tell a doctor you're awake,"

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