4: Time Stood Still

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Sierra's P.O.V.

I sat in my normal spot in the seat behind the bus driver.

I sat quietly until Gerard's stop came and he came on the bus looking insanely tired.

He had a glum look on his face as he scanned the seats.

When he notice me his face lit up.

"Sierra!" He plopped himself next to me and smiled.

"Hey Gee," I smiled.

I'm really on a roll with these nicknames.

The bus slowly sped up and kept on driving.

Me and Gerard talked for a while until
he noticed the cuts on my arms.

"What are those? did you?" He asked, concern in his eyes.

"No, I was walking in the woods and I tripped on a rock and fell in a thorn bush."

I know, I lied, but I don't want my friends to get involved in my suckish life.

"Oh, well you're okay right?" He asked worriedly.

I nodded slowly as the bus pulled into the school parking lot.


I opened my locker and stuffed my backpack inside. I slammed my locker shut and turned to see Patrick standing next to me, smiling.

"Hi!" He giggled.

"Are you coming on Friday?" He asked still giggling.

"Yep, and what's up with the happy, giggly, sparkle, thing?"

He smirked.

"Oh nothing, just excited. We gotta go! Its time for first period." He said smiling.


I took a quick glance at the clock.

5 minutes.

I shifted a little in my seat, thinking of the plans Hayley and Roxie had in mind for after school.

My eyes shot to the clock.

4 minutes.

I glanced to my left at Patrick, who gave a sympathetic smile.

I let out a small whimper and glanced at the teacher.

"So if you carry the four, then you subtract the... Blah blah blah.

I can't focus on her stupid talking!

I glanced at the clock,

3 minutes.

I tapped my foot in a weird beat on the floor.

All I hear out that woman's mouth right now is blah blah blah. Literally.


2 minutes...

I looked over and noticed Patrick had been staring at me.

'What?' I mouthed.

He gestured to the clock.

1 minute.

I gave him a small smile as the teacher wrapped up the lesson.

Everybody was ready to leap out of their seats, as if it was a race.

The bell rang and everybody practically sprinted out of the room.

I got my backpack out of my locker and made my way down the hall.

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