28: Who Has To Know?

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Sierra's P.O.V.

I need to find Patrick.

I started into the woods, my hoodie drenched. I could feel the thumps of the rain on my hood as I walked through the dark forest.

Damn, I hate the dark.

As I got deeper into the woods, I could hear a soft sobbing echoing through the trees. Soon after I heard them, a small form of a person curled into a ball came into my vision.


He turned, his face red and puffy, his eyes bloodshot around the perfect hazel pupils.

"I'm sorry..." He said in less than a whisper, his voice cracking.

I sighed and sat next to him, the silence heartbreaking. I pulled his arm out of his lap and intertwined our fingers.

I don't have the guts to tell him Gerard was going to propose. He's too breakable right now.....

Patrick's P.O.V.

I sat and gripped her hand tightly, taking deep breaths to prevent tears.

"I'm so sorry..." I choked out.

"It's okay Patrick... You were filled with emotions, and you had to let them out..." She rubbed the back of my hand with her thumb.

I nodded softly.

After that there was a long silence, every second everything got more awkward.

I need to say something.

Something that won't sound stupid...

"I-I...." I trailed off.

"What?" She said, looking at me with caring eyes.

There was a long pause, and I turned and looked deeply into her beautiful eyes. (A/N I still don't know what color her eyes are I feel like an idiot)

"I think I fell in love with you again my Snowy Bear..."

Sierra's face turned a dark red.

"Patrick... You have a wife..."

"I don't care Sierra. We could be together. No one has to know...." I said, grabbing her other hand with mine.


I shushed her, and placed a small kiss on her lips.

"Who has to know?"

Me & You ((Patrick Stump))Where stories live. Discover now