23: Nine In The Afternoon

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TW: eating disorder

Patrick's P.O.V.

Fall Out Boy is gone. The fans took it horribly and now I feel like it's somehow my fault.

All the headlines are like, "millions of teens are overcome with depression because of the loss of their favorite band" or "14 year old girl commits suicide from loss of Fall Out Boy".

And as I lay here with Eliza's head on my chest, I can't help but wishing this day hadn't happened.

Me and Eliza got married today, and I couldn't be happier, but somehow I regret it.

I don't know why, it could be because of Sierra, or it could just be the pressure of making my solo album, Soul Punk.

I ran a hand through my newly dyed blonde hair and sighed, my stomach growling a little from not eating today. Eliza shifted a little and groaned, throwing a hand over my stomach.

I eventually settled down, the darkness overtaking me, and fell asleep.

Sierra's P.O.V.


He's all I can think of.

I can't imagine how horrible it must be for him right now. But I shouldn't care. Right?

Because I hate him. He abandoned me when I needed him. He didn't care when I left. He didn't care when my mom died. He didn't care when I was abused.

But he cared before that day. He cared before I kissed Gerard. He cared before I started dating Gerard.

Holy shit.

It's all coming to me.

The necklace in the driveway.

The kiss at the dance, and at the fair.

The blushing when he saw me.

Patrick fell in love with me.

How could I be that stupid? I couldn't have realized that before? My fucking god I was so fucking stupid.

Well he's obviously over it now. He probably forgot all about me. He has Eliza. He doesn't need me anymore.

He's better off without me anyway.

And as I lay here, my head on Gerard's sleeping chest, tears run down my cheeks as I try to forget about my best friend. Patrick.

But I end up forgetting everything that isn't him.

Patrick's P.O.V.

"Yea, ill be there later today," I said hanging up on my manager.

I have to finish recording Soul Punk today, and the only thing getting me there really is probably the 30 fans I have. Everybody hates me.

They all hate my weight loss, my hair, my songs, me. All they ask about is Fall Out Boy, and it makes me cry when they do, because I miss Andy, and I miss Pete, and I miss Joe.

There's a hole where something was.

Pete's P.O.V.

"Pete, oh my god,"

"What?" I asked my wife Ashlee.

"The test, it's positive," She held the pregnancy test in front of her.

I gasped and lifted her up in the air, kissing her cheek.

"What should we name them? I like Lucy and Roxanne for a girl," Ashlee smiled at me.



My smile dropped a little and I put Ashlee down quickly, covering it up with a fake smile.

"Y-yea, cool, I'm gonna go upstairs, it's late," I said speed walking upstairs not waiting for a response.

I dropped onto my bed and buried my head in my hands. I thought I forgot about her.

I need Patrick right now. He could help. But he's with his wife now. He's happy without the band.

I bet everybody is.


Ashlee had the baby, yay...

His name is Bronx and he has curly blonde hair. I love him to death but, Ashlee's been acting different. She never wants to kiss me and never likes to sleep in the bed with me. She's been keeping Bronx away from me too. It's different now... I feel like she's getting sick of me.

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