16: A Little Less Sixteen Candles, A Little More Touch Me

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Patrick's P.O.V.

-Sierra's Birthday-

Today is the day.

The day I ask Sierra to be my girlfriend.

I buttoned up my black and white plaid shirt and threw on my black fedora. I grabbed the small Crystal Heart Necklace I got at a weird store in the mall where they sell glass figurines and dream catchers.

They said this heart was found in the rubble of a plane crash site, unharmed. Maybe it could be a sign of my love for her, indestructible.

I put it in my shirt pocket and sighed deeply, walking through the hallway and the living room, and out the big black door that happens to be my front door.

I walked nervously down the frosty sidewalk to the small blue house that belonged to Sierra.

My future girlfriend.

Well, I hope.

I trudged down the driveway, nervousness holding me back, making me want to throw up and die.

I finally got the guts to walk into the house, no need to knock, I'm her Tricky Poo, or Pattycakes, or Patwick Baby, or, well, you get the idea.

I peered through the door to the garage that held Sierras 16th birthday party.

I hopped down the step and was greeted by a beautiful girl, named Sierra Violet White.

So adorable...

"Trick?" She asked ripping away my thoughts.

"You okay?"

"Yup," I lied walking to meet with Pete and Brendon.

Sierra's P.O.V.

Hmm. Patrick is acting really weird.

"Yo Vi!" Hayley yelled addressing me, she calls me that since Violet is my middle name.

"What?" I asked going up to Hayley, Roxie, Terra, Al, Renée, Mackenzie, Luna, and Frank's girlfriend Julia who were chilling by the speakers which were blaring Metallica.

"Dude, Gerard's checking you out," Luna laughed nodding her head in his direction.

I took a quick glance and noticed he was indeed, staring at me.

"Okay," I said, not caring, he's probably just staring off into space in this direction.

"Dude you're the only one without a boyfriend, this could be your chance," Roxie said poking my stomach.

". I'm good, I don't need a boyfriend," I shrugged taking a sip of my Dr. Pepper.

I thought about me and Patrick during the fair and the dance, we did almost kiss, twice.

But he's been keeping his distance these few days.

I wonder if he still likes me. Or if the almost kisses meant anything, or we were just caught in the moment. He might just be uncomfortable around me because of the almost kisses. I shouldn't be worried. I hope.

"Dude, Gerard totally likes you, give him a chance," Mackenzie added on with a smile.

I turned around and glanced at Patrick, who was in a group of friends who were across the room.

"Or Patrick, since she's so obsessed with staring at him," Renée replied to Mackenzie.

"Dude no," I said blushing.

"I'm gonna go away now." I said strictly walking to get a new soda.

What? I love Dr Pepper.

I grabbed it out of the cooler and turned around to see Gerard.

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