6: Dance, Dance, (PART 2)

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Sierra's P.O.V.

"Yup, we're waiting for a few more people though," Pete commented wrapping his arm around Lexi kissing her cheek.

"We better go outside cuz everything's out there," Patrick pointed out guiding us to the back yard.

When we got outside I realized that Patrick's back yard is huuuuuuuuuuuuuggggeeeeee.

There is a trampoline, swing set, fire pit, and 2 picnic tables.


The tables had bowls filled with snacks and s'mores stuff.

There was even enough chairs for everybody around the fire pit.

"Wow Trick, your back yard is awesome," I laughed.

"Heh, yea my dad has a very well paying job so..." He laughed gesturing to his HUGE back yard.

"I call the trampoline!" Pete laughed running to it.

"Oh no you don't!" I yelled running after him.

We both climbed on the trampoline bouncing as high as we could while everybody else chilled at the picnic table.

"Let's see who can jump the highest!?!? Whoever loses has to do what ever the winner says for an hour!" He yelled stopping at putting out his hand.

"Deal!" I said shaking his hand.

And wow was that a mistake. I lost by A LOT.

"HA! IN YO FACE!" Pete laughed pointing at me.

"Okay fine, you can tell me what to do until 5:45," I said checking the time on my phone.

"Pete, c'mon, I need to talk to you," Lexi growled pulling him by the wrist and glaring at me. He glanced backwards and shrugged. I shrugged back and made my way to Patrick who was greeting Gerard, Brendon, a guy with brown hair and a little stubble, and a black haired guy.

"Hey Gee, hey Brendon," I smiled waving.

"Hi Sierra, this is Frank by the way," He said gesturing to the black haired man.

"Hi," I smiled waving a little.

"Hey," Frank laughed waving back.

"And this is Spencer," Brendon pointed out gesturing to the brown haired guy.

(I typed "hut" instead of guy the first time I wrote this so it said, "Brendon pointed out to the brown haired hut" and I laughed so hard XD)

"Hello," I smiled at him.

"Hi," Spencer said cheerfully, returning the smile.

I greeted them and was making my way back to the trampoline when my phone rang.

Huh, Hayley.



"Where are you guys?"

"I'm trying to convince Roxie to go but she won't because of Lexi,"

"Oh, right, what did she do to her anyway?"

"Well, she stole Pete, obviously, and one time, Roxie tried to tell Pete her feelings, but Lexi brought her outside and screamed at her and beat her. She even stabbed her, now she has a huge scar across her stomach, and she cuts, a lot,"

"Oh my gosh, can I talk to her?"

"Sure, one sec,"

There was a few seconds of muffled voices and rustling until I heard Roxie's shuddering voice.

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