26: I Miss You

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Patrick's P.O.V.

I stood there awkwardly, just staring into her beautiful green eyes.

Holy smokes she looks beautiful.

I swallowed thickly, and let out a shaky breath.


"PIZZAAAAAAAAAAAA" Pete screamed from the house. I quickly ran awkwardly around her blushing like hell.

Fuck. I messed up BAD.

Sierra's P.O.V.

He quickly ran away towards the house, blushing quite a lot.

I sighed and joined Gerard to go inside for pizza.


It was about eight, and everyone was gathered in the living room for a game of spin the bottle.

As for me, and a few others, I sat out and watched, giggling at times when men had to kiss.

"Patrick go!" Pete yelled and Patrick spun it quickly, his arm wrapped around a woman with "perfect" curly blonde hair which I assume is his wife.

And of course it had to land on her.

Patrick smirked slightly and kissed her with a little too much "umph" than necessary.

That's disgusting. She doesn't deserve him.

What am I thinking???

They got into a full on make out session until Pete had to pry him off her and Patrick winked at his wife.

"Later..." I heard him whisper.

Oh my fucking god that's fucking disgusting.

I don't know why, but I just stormed outside, pulling up my hood and pulling the strings tight so the hood closed most of the way.

I sat on the curb, and sighed, hugging my knees.

What's wrong with me? Why did I just leave?

I slapped my forehead in punishment and growled angrily at myself.

I probably looked like a jealous idiot!!!

There was a tap on my shoulder.

A younger girl sat next to me and smiled, a lollipop poking from the right side of her mouth.

"Hey, the names Breanna Trohman. Sister of Joe Trohman." She said holding out her hand.

I shook it slightly and pulled my hand back, stuffing it back in my sleeve.

"Sierra..." I mumbled.

"I see you got pretty angry in there, may I ask, why?"

"I don't know... I'm just an idiot." I replied, playing with the grass.

"I doubt that's true. And I'm gonna take a wild guess and say you're into Patrick?" She asked, a hint of hope in her eyes.

I turned to her.

"I actually hate him. A lot." I said strictly.

Breanna sighed with relief, and then turned back to me.

"Hm, well, I assume you want to be alone, I'll go inside and leave you be. But it was nice meeting you!" She said cheerfully, hopping up to go inside with the others.

I sighed and played with the laces on my red and black checkered converse, singing a song quietly.

It wasn't until I got to the chorus that I realized I was singing Soul Punk, and I wasn't that quiet...

"I see you liked my album."

I froze, and swallowed thickly, as the person behind me chuckled.

Patrick sat beside me on the curb, and smile at me.

"Hi, Snowy Be-"

"GET AWAY FROM ME!!!" I screamed hiding my face.

"Sierra, it's okay, I'm not gonna hurt you,"

"YOU ALREADY DID." I screamed at the top of my lungs, tears building in my eyes.

"What!?! I didn't mean to I just-"


I stood angrily and glared at him strongly.

He stood up with me, and grabbed my arm, looking me in the eyes.

"Look I-I'm sorry, I-I didn't know, just please, calm down, I want my Bear back again,"

"NO!!!" I ripped my arm away from him, and started sobbing into my hands.

"Please, don't cry, I-"


He stood silently.

"IM SORRY!!!" His voice cracked strongly, and tears streamed down his face.

I didn't move.

Patrick didn't move.

But he was moving... towards me...

His hand cupped the left side of my face, and he stared straight into my eyes.

Patrick was moving himself closer to me.

He closed his eyes, and cupped my entire face with both his hands, inching closer and closer to me.

And he kissed me.

Patrick. Kissed me.

And holy shit was he good at it.

It was like the world froze, just for this moment.

He grabbed the back of my head and smiled into the kiss, placing several small pecks on my lips.

And somehow, I liked it.

His hands trailed to my waist and he wrapped his arms around my torso, pulling me closer.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and smiled.

I love this man.

Suddenly, a voice came from near the house.


Me & You ((Patrick Stump))Where stories live. Discover now