11: Misery Business

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Sierra's P.O.V.

"Wake up sleepy Bear!!!" Patrick giggled shaking me a little.

"What?" I mumbled covering my face with my arms.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" I heard several voices yell.

"Woah!" I jumped immediately sitting up.

When my vision focused I saw Roxie, Pete, Patrick, his mom, Hayley, and Gerard with their arms in the air, smiling.

"Get dressed, your party is in the living room!" Patrick giggled leading everybody out into the living room.

"The fuck?" I muttered rubbing the back of my neck.

I sighed and got out of Patricks bed, grabbing my bag off the floor and taking out my clothes. I put on a black tank top with a red dragon on it, a red sweater, black skinny jeans, my red converse, and my beanie.

Going black and red today huh?

Why yes, yes I am,

I went into the bathroom to quickly brush my hair and put on makeup.

Fuck makeup, I don't care what they think. As long as they think I look presentable.

I pulled open the door and slipped into the living room to see them putting up the rest of the decorations.

"IT'S MRS BLACK AND RED!!! FINALLY!!!" Pete yelled while holding in laughs.

"Yes, I wore black and red, get over it. And why are you guys setting up so early?" I asked with a small yawn.

"Early? It's 1:00!" Hayley yelled.

"I bet her and Patrick were up all night getting busy," Pete laughed humping the air earning laughs from everybody and glare from Patrick's mom. But I didn't see Gerard laugh. Weird.

Pete has this little joke where me and Patrick secretly fuck whenever we have the time. It kind of bothers me but I try to ignore it, but Patrick's mom HATES it.

Patricks mom gave Patrick a weird look and he shrugged a little.

"Don't worry mom, it's just a joke that IS VERY DUMB AND MAKES IT VERY AWKWARD BETWEEN ME AND PATRICK!" I yelled directing the last part to Pete.

"Sheesh take a chill pill bro, just a joke," Pete said raising his arms a little in surrender.

"Good Petey." I laughed patting the top of his head.

"No." He grumbled childishly, pushing my hand away.

I giggled at him and ran to help Hayley who had somehow made herself into a red streamer mummy.


It's about 3:00 now and everybody is here except Brendon, so we're waiting for him so we can do a snow war in the backyard.

(It snowed in the previous chapter)

We were sitting in the living room playing "would you rather" to pass the time.

"Hayley, would you rather... Walk in on a naked fat man, or walk in on a naked old man?" Roxie asked while playing with the hem of her shirt.

"Fat man, no doubt about it." She replied while laughing.

"Why a fat man? He's all fat and blegh!" Frank yelled making a gagging noise.

"Because old people are all wrinkly and they have veins popping out and their all bony and ughh!" Hayley laughed making a disgusted face.

"Makes sense," I shrugged.

"Kay," Hayley continued.

"Pete, would you rather... Eat cow ballsack, or bathe in a tub of elephant crap?" She laughed making everybody crack up.

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