20: A Match Into Water

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Sierra's Point Of Freaking View

(Trigger Warning: Eating disorder and suicide attempt wtf)

"Bon appetite," I said placing the plate of toast and bacon in front of Roxie.

"Thanks..." She mumbled nibbling at her bacon.

"Oh, I heard the girls are in town," I said leaning on the counter.

"As in everybody?" She asked.

"Everybody," I replied.

"So, Luna, Reneé, Mackenzie, Julia, Al, and Terra?" She asked raising her eyebrows.

"Yep, and they said they have a new friend that they are bringing to the mall later, if you wanna go to cheer you up," I suggested eyeing her food hungrily.

"Sure," She sighed taking a swig of milk.

"Then it's settled. We leave in five minutes," I said shuffling to my room.

I sighed and flopped onto my bed, my stomach growling..

"Shut up," I groaned.

It growled again as if telling me to shut up as well.

I moaned in agony and took in a deep breath from my nose.

The smell of bacon taunted me.

That's it, I can't take it anymore.

I stood up, going to get breakfast, until something stopped me, like an invisible force pulled me back.

You don't need breakfast.

You don't need food.

Stop Sierra.


I groaned in agony, falling back onto my bed. My arms were shaking, and my head pounded I was so hungry. I gripped my blankets and growled, my stomach burning.

I don't need it.

I don't need it.

I don't need food.

I raised my frail arms and covered my face as tears escaped my bloodshot red eyes, and down my pale cheeks.

"Sierra! We gotta go!" I heard Roxie's voice echo from the kitchen.

"I can't!" I groaned in a croaky crying voice.

"Woah, are you okay bro?" She asked coming into my room.

"I don't f-feel good. I th-think I might throw up," I whimpered, lying.

"Here, I'll make you a sandwich and tea. Come lie down on the couch so you can watch a movie."

I groaned and picked up my fuzzy zebra blanket, dragging my feet to the couch and falling over with a grunt.

She flicked on the TV, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles turning on.

"Yay," I giggled sleepily.

She made my sandwich and left, promising to get me a present.

As soon as she closed the door, I groaned at the fact that the sandwich sat in front of me, making me hungrier and hungrier by the second. I haven't eaten in two days, I had tea once in a while, and maybe one cracker when I felt like I was gonna die, but otherwise nothing.

I tried to focus on the TV screen, but the food taunted me so much, making me feel so hungry my stomach acid was eating away at my insides.

I reached for the sandwich, my hand trembling.

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