9: White Christmas

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Sierra's P.O.V.

"Shoot, we better get down there," I said jumping off of Patricks lap.

"Yea," He replied following me out to the kitchen.

"YOU FUCKING BASTARD!!!! WHY WOULD YOU DUMP ME FOR THIS BITCH?!?!?!" Lexi screamed in Pete's face.

"BECAUSE SHE IS A BEAUTIFUL, TALENTED, SMART, AMAZING PERSON!!! A WHOLE LOT BETTER THAN YOU!!!!" Pete fought back as everybody else sat there awkwardly.

"Petey..." Lexi whimpered.

"NO!!!! GET OUT!!! GET OUT OF MY LIFE!!!!" Pete screamed pointing to the door.

Lexi just hung her head and left, crying.


Everybody had left, except me, and me and Patrick were watching TV on the couch.

"So... Where's your dad?" I asked curious.

"He works early in the morning on Saturday until 3:30 so he'll be home soon, it's 2:30." He said checking the clock.

"Yea, I think I better get home, my mom should be there,"

"Okay, just let me know if you're home alone with Dave so we can hang at my house," He said smiling.

"Kay," I smiled walking outside.

(Okay, so when I typed hang, I typed bang, so it said, " let me know when you're home alone with him so we can bang at my house" XD I guess they do wanna bang)



December 24th, 11:30 pm, (same year btw)

Sierras POV

"I can't wait for Christmas tomorrow!!!!" I heard Patricks happy voice squeal through the phone.

"I know!!! I have a great present for you!!!!" I smiled.

" I do too!!!!" He giggled.

"Well I'll see you tomorrow!"

" Bye Trick,"

"Bye Snowy Bear,"

I hung up the phone and sighed a little. My birthday is in 2 days, December 26th, I will be 15. FINALLY!

I put my phone on the bedside table and pulled the blanket over myself.

Only a few more hours.


I sprung up out of my bed with a huge smile on my face.

I got on a white tank top with a red sweater with an owl on it, skinny jeans, my beanie, and neon green converse.

I picked up my overnight bag for Patrick's and made my way downstairs to see no one was awake. My mom knew I would be sleeping over Patricks house anyway.

I know, I should be with my family on Christmas, but they are either across the country, dead, or smoking alcoholic.

It sucks.

I took the bread out of the cabinet, shoved two pieces of bread into the toaster and pulled out my phone.((TOAAASHHHTTT YESH)) I'll let Patrick know what I'm doing.

S-Having toast <3 ill be there soon

P~Yummy! okay hurrrryyyyyyy I'm booorrreeeeddd :/

I laughed and pulled the toast out of the toaster and buttered it, quickly devouring it.

I walked out the front door and started walking until I felt something cold on my face.


I giggled a little and began walking to Patrick's.

-after walking to Patrick's-

I slowly knocked on the door and Patrick's mom answered with a smile.

"Hey! Snow! Patrick's in the living room waiting to give you your presents!" She giggled.

I gave her a small hug and joined a very impatient Patrick in the living room around the tree.

"Hello there," I said in a weird voice leaning on his shoulder.

"Hey!" Patrick laughed.

"You ready for presents? We have 5 for you," He giggled putting a stack of presents on my lap.

"Patrick! You guys didn't have to get me all these!" I said looking at the stack.

"You are officially my third kid, you need presents too!" Patrick's mom giggled.

"Thanks mom," I said hugging her tightly.

"No problem," She laughed.

"Now open your presents!" She said laughing still.

Patrick got an electric guitar, which he freaked out about, some clothes, a leather jacket, a few other accessories for his guitar, and a grey fedora from me.

I got a ying and yang shirt with bears on it, new swirly black and blue converse, a gray beanie with silver in it, a light blue and purple beanie, and a black fedora.

"Wow 3 hats!" I laughed stacking them all on my head.

"I only got one!!!" Patrick laughed putting it on his head.

"Too bad!" I laughed lying over his lap.

"You still have one more present," He said pulling out two small boxes.

"One for you," Patrick said plopping it in my lap.

"One for me,"

I slowly took the cover off the small white box and couldn't believe my eyes.

Inside was a small white heart locket with swirls as a border. In the middle written in cursive, said 'Forever'.

I opened the locket to see our school pictures inside.

"It's kinda like a promise ring, just a necklace, and its to promise to be friends forever," Patrick said smiling.

"I-it's beautiful Patrick, I don't know what to say," I said putting it around my neck as he put his on too.

He pulled me into a small hug and as we hugged, I realized how amazing he is, and hugged him tighter.

"Thank you," Is all I could manage to say.

"You're welcome," He giggled into my shoulder.

We began to rock back and forth, smiling, having a really touchy moment, until...

"IT'S TIME FOR LUNCH!!!!" Patrick's mom yelled from the kitchen, ruining the moment.

"OKAY!" We replied making our way into the kitchen.

We sat on the table and were served beef stew and a chocolate cookie.

"Woah mom, you didn't have to do all this!" I said making her smile.

Yes, I call her mom, chill.

"Yes I did, you guys are too adorable to not get it," She giggled walking into the living room to clean up our piles of wrapping paper.

"Wanna watch a movie after food?" Patrick asked eating a spoonful of stew.

"What movie?" I asked curiously while eating my stew.

"Rudolph?" He asked.

"YESSS!" I yelled throwing my hands in the air.

After finishing our food, we sat on the couch and watched Rudolph, singing along to songs, and laughing at random parts.

We ended up falling asleep on the couch, with me leaning on Patrick's shoulder, his left arm arm around my waist.

Me & You ((Patrick Stump))Where stories live. Discover now