8: I Miss Missing You

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Sierra's P.O.V. 

-6 in the morning-

My eyes fluttered open to a room filled with sleeping bodies blanketed with the shadowed light of the sun through the curtains.

(I just realized how descriptive that was XD)

I yawned a little and stretched my arms realizing I was YET AGAIN spooning with someone.

"C'mon!" I mumbled wiggling a bit.

I turned my head the slightest bit and saw Patrick's sleeping face. He looked so peaceful. His arms were sloppily around my waist and I was uncomfortably close to him.

I decided to just shrug it off and get some more sleep.

-7:30 am-

Patrick's P.O.V.

I was awake, only my eyes were not open, I was just settling for a minute until I realized what I was doing.

I was hugging Sierra very close to my body with my arms around her waist and my head in the crook of her neck. I was startled a little so I tried to move, but I stopped. She looked so happy and peaceful sleeping, so I just hugged her tighter and calmed down a little.

Hayley's P.O.V.

-8:00 am-

(Sorry for all the P.O.V. changes but I have to cuz I just do)

I woke up in the big leather chair with my left arm hanging off the side and the rest of my body sprawled everywhere.

I stretched a little and looked around the room seeing that everything was how it was before, Pete on top of Roxie, buried into her neck, Lexi alone on a mattress, still unaware that her boyfriend had broken up with her, and Patrick and Sierra on the couch, except...


I suddenly sat up and looked at them and surely they were cuddling.


I got my phone and took a cute picture of them. I'll show everybody later.

I then shook awake Pete and Roxie and showed them the two lovebirds.

"Awwww," Pete laughed along with Roxie.

"We need to prank them!" Pete giggling.

"Oh yea!" We agreed.

"I have an idea..." Pete mumbled.

"What?" I asked excitedly.

"Okay so what we're gonna do is..."

Patrick's P.O.V.

-9:30 am-

"PATRICK!!!" I heard Sierra scream making me jump awake.

"OH HOLY SHIT! WHAT?" I asked seeing her standing next to the couch with messy hair, wrinkled clothes, and a trail of hickeys down her neck.

"WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED LAST NIGHT?!?!? " She yelled pointing to something on the floor.

Is that a CONDOM?!!?!?

"WHAT THE FUCK?!?! DID WE DO THAT?!?!?"" I yelled standing up.

"WHY WOULD WE DO THAT?!?!?" She screamed gesturing to the condom on the floor.

"I DON'T KNOW!!!" She screamed tugging her hair.

"DID I GIVE YOU THOSE?!!" I asked/yelled pointing to the hickeys.

"I GUESS SO!!!" She yelled pulling her hair stronger.

"OH GOD NO!!!" I yelled tugging at my shortish hair.

We screamed several times running around the room until we heard laughing from the kitchen.

We made our way into the kitchen to see everybody laughing.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!!?" I screamed.

"The answer is, makeup hickeys, water dipped unused condoms, hair brushes to mess up your hair, and we just messed with your clothes." Hayley laughed.

"I freaking hate you," Sierra giggled pointing at Hayley.

"Don't go crying to you're mama because you can't have fun," Hayley laughed.

"My mom wouldn't care," She mumbled looking at the floor.

"Then don't go crying to your daddy!" Hayley yelled laughing. Everybody else laughed except me and Sierra.

Sierra did not respond. She just sat there, frozen.

"T-Trick come with me," She whimpered grabbing my hand and pulling me to my room.

"Oo la la!" Brendon laughed making everybody else laugh too.

"USE A CONDOM!!!" Pete yelled throwing the box at us. I just gave him a dirty look and stayed with Sierra.

We made our way into the room and sat on the bed.

"What?" I asked as I saw tears flow up I her eyes.

Sierra's P.O.V.

(Again sorry about the POV changes just gotta keep switching)

"Y-you're the only person I'm comfortable telling, so don't go blabbing to people okay?" I whispered shaking.

"My dad died when I was eleven, he was on a plane ride back from California because he was on a work trip., and the plane crashed. No one survived, a-and after my dads death, my mom turned to her high school crush Dave, who got her into smoking, and now I have a dead dad and a freaking idiot mother," I sobbed burying my head in my hands. Tears fell down my face like a river as I gasped for air and sobbed again.

I felt a warm pair of arms pull me onto their lap. Patrick started to slowly rock us back and forth.

"I'm sorry," He whispered quietly.

"He use to call me his Snowy Bear, or baby bear, or just bear, and now that my mom is with Dave, she moved here because my family hates her, and I had to come," I cried hugging him.

"Shhh, it's okay Snowy Bear," He cooed making me smile.

"?You're gonna call me that now aren't you?" I giggled, my voice still sounding stuffy and messed up.

"Yep," He giggled stopping his rocking motion.

And that's, when all hell broke loose.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!!? WHY WOULD YOU DATE THIS WHORE!!?!!??!" A voice screamed from downstairs.

I think Lexi learned about Roxie and Pete's relationship.

Oh shit.

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