2 more chapters
I squealed, dropping the sign and balloon I had, running forward into Erica's arms open arms, both of us smacking into each other and causing her to drop her bags. We both almost fell over but I caught us at the last second, steadying us as I wrapped her into a hug.
"I missed you so much!" She squeezed me harder and I sighed happily into her hair, smelling in the familiar scent of my past life. We hugged for a few minutes, swaying back and forth. I could tell people were having to walk around us, I even heard a few grumbles about it, but I didn't care. I was too happy hugging my best friend to care about other people in an airport.
I pulled back but kept my hands on her shoulders, "Did you check any bags?" She nodded and turned to pick up her bag while I grabbed the sign and balloon I had forgotten behind me. Thankfully the balloon was tied to the sign and didn't float away.
"Awh, babe." She stuck her lip out a little, grabbing the welcome home balloon I had found. "You do know I don't live here though, right?" I rolled my eyes but linked my arm with hers, guiding us to baggage claim.
We caught up as we waited for her bag, which as expected, took forever. Once we had all her belongings we made our way to the car outside. I took her bags and loaded them in the trunk when I heard Erica squeal, and then I heard the sound of a baby squeal.
"Oh my sweetest little baby!" I watched as she crawled into the backseat as I shut the trunk, making my way to the front seat.
"Oh, I love you so much. You're my favorite person, like, ever!" I heard Erica make an exaggerated kissy noise, causing Belle to laugh.
"Hi Erica." I looked to Harry, seeing him turned and smirking back at her.
She didn't look at him when she said, "oh, yeah, hi Harry." She gave a half assed wave while looking at Belle, sticking her tongue out at her and making her laugh.
When I turned back to Harry he had a fake pout on his lip and I reached up to poke it. He turned to me with a smile before we got honked at and he spoke, "Alright, alright, I'm moving."
"Okay, she's down for her nap, finally." I flopped down onto the couch next to Erica. Belle was in her room and Harry went to his music room to go through some of his acoustic guitar songs.
"Are you still breast feeding?"
"Mhm, not exclusively though. We introduced some solids recently, well I introduced the solids, Harry gets freaked out every time she coughs on something. But anyway, she's eating solids occasionally so I'm trying to wean down to just nap time and bed time." She nodded while I spoke, sitting with her legs crossed in front of her, leaning on the arm of the couch. I curled up and faced her as well, leaning my head into my hand that I had propped up on the back of the couch.
"When do you want her off of it fully?"
"Hopefully sooner than later, but definitely done by end of March."
"How come march?" She furrowed her eyebrows and I smirked.
"Do you live under a rock or did you forget?" She furrowed her brows more and I laughed, "the tour silly! It starts in April."
"Oh my god! I didn't even realize." She leaned forward, placing her hand on my knee. "That's going to be so much fun! Are you excited?"
"I am! Little nervous still, but I've been talking to Harry and my therapist about it, so mostly excited at this point. Plus, Harry and I decided to start interviewing nanny candidates in the new year to bring with us."
"That's good. It'll be nice to have some help with Belle, especially with how busy he'll be." She leaned back into the arm of the chair, grabbing a blanket from the back of the couch and throwing it over herself.
"Oh definitely." We fell into a comfortable silence, both of us turning to watch the tv that was playing softly in front of us.
When it cut to a new episode I turned to her again, "When do you finish school?"
"Uhm, I think the second week of December, why?"
"Well I have a secret..." I gave her a sheepish smile.
"You're not pregnant again are you?" She gave me a bored look and I gasped, throwing a pillow at her.
"Erica, oh my god, no!" I gave her a look that showed how ridiculous her question was.
"Hey, dont blame me. The first one started as a secret surprise as well." She held up her hands in defense, a small smile threatened to take over her face. I scoffed again, turning to face the television.
"The first one... you know what, never mind, I take my secret back." I heard her laugh and then the sound of her shuffling until she was up against me. She threw an arm around my shoulder, leaning forward to give me a kiss. "Erica! What did I say about kissing me!"
"It got you to look at me!" She laughed and I pushed her away, "you know I love my girl and that I was only joking. C'mon, tell me your secret." I crossed my arms and she poked my cheek.
"Tell me or I'll kiss you again." She made kissy noises and I fake gagged before scooting away.
"Fine," She clapped with a satisfied smile before going back to her original spot on the couch. "So Harry has his one night only show here on December 13th, a Friday, and we bought a plane ticket for you and an artist guest pass to come and watch with us. My parents and Harry's family will be there as well. Do you think you can make it? It's okay if not! Or we can change the plane if we need to!" I gave her a hopefully grin, watching as she had a blank expression on her face before it morphed into a smile and an enthusiastic nod.
"Yes! Thank you Molls, you didn't need to buy me a plane ticket, I could have done that." Her excited smile turned into a thankful one and she rested her hand on my knee, giving it a squeeze.
"Don't worry about it, it's his money anyway." I smirked at her and she laughed. "Also, this is kinda down the line, but I wanted to ask as soon as possible, just in case you dont have plans for the summer yet..." She gave me another confused look.
"The North American leg of the tour is gonna swing by in the summer, and I was wondering, well both Harry and I were wondering, if you wanted to join us for it? Or at least, join us for whatever you can." I shrugged, another hopeful look on my face.
Her face went from confused, to blank, to excited in one swift motion and then she was lunging across the couch for me.
"Oof." I used my hands to balance myself as she was practically laying on top of me.
I laughed as I wrapped my arms around her, "I'll take that as a yes?"

My Sunflower *h.s*
FanfictionWhere a one night stand with a famous singer turns into a bundle of joy and an eighteen year commitment