This photo literally has nothing to do with the story but it made me laugh for like 5 solid minutes
Song: Build me up buttercup by the foundations
My eyes were darting around anxiously. I was mentally cursing Erica in my mind because not even five minutes after we arrived she found someone she loves and scurried off. I literally have not seen her since and I know it's gonna be a bitch to get her to leave.
Harry's stayed by my side for the most part, but that doesn't mean he's fully paying attention to me. He's been talking to people and introducing me and catching up with old friends, hardly saying much to me. Although, he has managed to keep some sort of hold on me this whole night. Whether it be holding my hand or slipping an arm around my waist. Either way, it was comforting to know he knew I was there, even if he wasn't physically looking at me or talking to me.
"Okay, I'm sorry. I've talked to most everyone I need to, so now I'm all yours!" Harry turned to me with a large smile, a half full cup clutched in his hand. I returned the smile, nodding my head towards his cup.
"How many of those have you had?" I knew he was drinking straight tequila, I've learned that's his drink of choice. I also learned that was what he was so drunk on that night I picked him up a couple of weeks ago. He tilted his head to the side, his brows furrowing as he let his mind drift into thought.
"Uhm. . . I don't know? A few maybe?" I rolled my eyes.
"I can tell you've had a few Harry." I laughed a little and he frowned at me, a slight pout on his lips.
"Whats wrong with that?"
"Nothing, I just don't want you getting lost in the drinks." I knocked his cup a little, the liquid sloshing around inside. He shrugged his shoulders, a happy grin stretching across his cheeks.
"It's Halloween! I'm having fun!"
"It's not Halloween quite yet. And I know you're having fun, but I'm the one that gonna drag you out of here if you get shit faced." He grinned at me again, a lopsided smile appearing.
"You're cute." He reaches out, touching my face lightly, letting his thumb graze against the skin on my cheek.
"And you're tipsy. C'mon let's go find Erica." I grabbed his hand, pulling him through the crowd of drunk celebrities. I was totally out of my element here, and the only reason I wasn't totally freaking out was because I had Harry to worry about. I swear he's like a child, if I let him out of my sight he'll disappear and get into some stupid situation.
I finally found Erica in the mass of people, talking to somebody I didn't recognize.
"Erica! God there you are. I swear it's like tracking down all my children." I rolled my eyes, still tugging Harry along. He kept trying to stop and talk to people and if it weren't for the fact that he's been talking to people for two hours, I would have left him to do so. But he's drunk and needs to stick with me now. I am not about to be left behind at a party I shouldn't even really be at.
"Kiddo!" She reached over, giving me a hug, stopping her conversation with the man who is starting to look more familiar. "This is Presley!" I nodded at him, saying a faint hello and tugging Harry's body next to mine. He clumsily landed next to me, his shoulder bumping with mine.
"Hey what up man?" Presley nodded to Harry and he sent back a friendly smile, reaching his hand out to shake Presley's. They started talking to each other, leaving me to stand awkwardly next to Harry, my hand still squeezed tightly in his. Erica was also participating in the conversation and I felt like an actual dumbass just sitting there like a child holding their parents hand waiting to go home. I probably look just as stupid as I feel too.
My Sunflower *h.s*
أدب الهواةWhere a one night stand with a famous singer turns into a bundle of joy and an eighteen year commitment