75 - the finale

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8 hours until showtime.

Everyone is running around like headless chickens, trying to get everything ready for tonight. Crew were dashing from one area to another, talking into their headsets, getting ready for Harry to do soundcheck. Harry was off somewhere warming up his voice.

I think he was calming his nerves.

7 hours until showtime.

Belle and I were keeping ourselves busy while we waited for Erica and Harry and my family to arrive. She and I were exploring the venue, weaving in and out of everyone doing their jobs.

We were trying our best to stay out of everyone's hair, but Belle was getting bored in the dressing room. So, now we're out for a walk, which was a great idea because now she's entertained watching all the people around her.

I found an opening to walk to the seats, walking out directly center of the venue, the middle of the stage across from us. I looked around the venue, trying to imagine what it would look like filled with people screaming for Harry.

I can't wait to see that.

6 hours until showtime.

I screamed, making Belle look at me with a startled face. "Oh, gosh, sorry baby." I quickly apologized to her before turning back to the group of people coming at me.

"Mumma!" I reached her, immediately being taken into her arms, Belle getting squished in between us.

"My baby! And look at my wee little thing, c'mon, come to gran." She quickly scooped Belle out of my arms and into hers, planting an exaggerated kiss onto her cheek. I smiled at them before I was smashed into someone's chest, arms coming around me and squeezing the breath out of me.

"Oof." The arms squeezed harder and I laughed, well, I did my best to laugh considering I could hardly breathe.

"Pops, can't breathe." I tapped his side as best I could, he had my arms pinned to my sides.

"Oops, sorry love." He quickly let go of me and I took a deep breath before looking at him, giving him a bright smile and pulling him into a proper hug.

"I missed you."

"I missed you too, sugar." I smiled, his familiar scent wafting into my nose. The hug was over too soon and he was moving to fawn over Belle, fighting my mum to hold her.

I turned to see Anne, Des, and Gemma standing nearby. Anne pulled me into a tight hug, whispering how much she missed me, Gemma did the same. Des and I hugged briefly as well.

While all of them were fawning over Belle, fighting over who got to hold her, I snuck away to the back halls. I made my way to the dressing room where I was sure to find Harry.

When I stepped in he was stood in the middle of the room, shaking his hands out as he looked to the ceiling.

"Our family is here. Do you want to see them now?" I spoke softly, seeing him try to hide the nerves on his face.

"Yeah." He breathed out, heading towards the door. But before he left he made sure to press a lingering kiss to the corner of my mouth.

5 hours until showtime

Belle was clapping in my lap, laughing as we sat in the seats watching sound check. Anne sat to the right of me, my dad to the other side. Everyone else had disappeared somewhere backstage.

I bounced Belle in my lap to the beat of the music, her eyes never leaving Harry as he ran through a few songs.

He still looked nervous.

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