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Song: Woman by Harry Styles

"Molly, please come to the show tonight! It'll be fun I promise." I groaned through the receiver of my phone, my sister whining on the other end.

"I don't know Sarah, I have a lot of homework to do, and I have work tomorrow." I started picking at my nails, pulling my knees to my chest and leaned back further into the couch. I already did most of my homework, considering I'm only taking one summer class, but I really wasn't in the mood to go out tonight, especially to a concert.

"Pretty please? I haven't seen you in months and we're only going to be in Seattle tonight.  Plus the tour is almost over and then I gotta go back to London." I contemplated my options, she was right in the fact that I haven't seen her in months, not since the start of the tour which was in early September, and now it's July. I don't get to see her much anymore, not since I moved to the States. I moved here for school two years ago, I needed to get out of England so I packed my things up and left. I hardly go back too, I only go for Christmas, so it's not secret that I miss my sister. I let out a heavy sigh before placing my feet on the ground, standing up and heading to my room.

"Fineeee, what time should I be there?" I put her on speaker, setting my phone on my dresser. I started sorting through my closet, trying to find something to wear.

"Oh yay! Oh my god, this is gonna be so fun! Molly I'm so excited-"

"Sarah, breathe, what time do I need to be there?" I laughed at the energetic sentences coming out of my sisters mouth. She must have had a lot of coffee today because this much energy coming from her is not normal. She's normally much quieter, introverted. I let out a happy sigh once I found one of my favorite dresses, a white dress with puff sleeves that was fitted through my waist and then loosened up a little. It was short, hitting at about my mid thigh, but I felt confident in this dress. I grabbed some nude heels, not too high but enough to add some height to me.

"Oh sorry, the show starts at eight but we just had sound check and the opening act goes on around six that so how about like five? That way we can hangout a little and I can introduce you to everyone." I could hear chatter on her end of the line but there was a smile in her voice, I could hear it.

"Sounds good, I'll see you soon." I listened to her goodbye then hung up the phone, turning it off and plugging it into my charger. I'll need it to be fully charged considering I'm gonna be at this concert venue for who knows how many hours. I padded softly into my bathroom, carrying a towel with me. I hopped into the shower and let the warm water relax my muscles.

Sarah sounds really happy, I could hear it in all her words. I can also see it online, I follow her as best I can on social media. It's become a lot easier now that she's gained a following from touring with a famous singer. A lot of people post photos of her, and each one her smile seems to get bigger, more genuine. I'm happy for her, proud of her. This is what she's wanted since I was little, she was always attached to the drum set in our house. For as long as I can remember she constantly talked about being a drummer, it's her dream. She would always try and teach me how to play when I was little, she would sit me on her lap and let me bang on the drums, creating a chaos of noise. My parents hated it, I would too probably. My playing didn't sound like anything except loud bangs floating through the air.

That was always my favorite thing, sitting at home waiting for Sarah to get home from school so I could play the drums with her. But then she got older, started going out more and then she eventually left. I don't blame her though, that's what happens when your sister is twelve years older than you. She had to leave to live her own life at some point, but that doesn't mean it was any less hard for me to lose my best friend. But she tried to come home often, and she called me every week to talk to me. That became my new favorite thing. And then I grew up and started living my own life, so it's hard for us to talk now. We live completely different lives, she's always on the road living at odd hours. And then I'm here in Seattle, working to pay for school so I can accomplish my dream of being a teacher. I know, not many peoples dreams. But I love kids, and a teacher seemed to fit best for me.

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