Song: cherry wine by Hozier
"Molly Elizabeth! Come in here and say hello to your mum!" I trudged up the stairs of my childhood home, nothing seemed to have change over the years. Everything looked almost the exact same. The brick of the house was old and loosing its color, the stairs stained from people walking on them constantly.
"Hi mumma." I whispered in her ear, the scent of her shampoo filling my senses. She hugged me back tight, making me lose my breath a little bit, but I returned her hug. Wrapping my arms around her small frame, I definitely got my height from my dad, that was for sure.
"Where's pops?"
"Oh he's at working, darling. He should be home later tonight if you plan on sticking around. I can cook for ya'"
"Oh that's okay mum."
"Nonsense, you look thin and tired, let me cook for my baby." She patted my cheek, shooing me into the house, Sarah following behind quietly. Sarah had seen her the other day, that's why she didn't get the grand welcome. I thought about what she said, that I was thin, little does she know. . . I grabbed Sarah's hand for reassurance, knowing it's better if I tell my mum now rather than wait until later. I don't care if my dad is here, I think it's better to tell him one on one anyway. I'm his youngest girl, his reaction won't be great. That's part of the reason I didn't want Harry here, my dad might kill him with his bare hands.
"Mum, come sit down." I called out for her, sitting on the couch with Sarah who placed a comforting hand on my knee.
"Darlin I've got to cook for you, you look like you haven't eaten all day."
"Mum please, this is important." She gave me a look before rushing over, sitting next to me with worried eyes.
"What's wrong, what's going on?" She looked between the two of us, her eyes finally settling on mine.
"Mumma I'm fine, but there's something you should know." She nodded, urging me to tell her. "Mum, I'm having a baby." I closed my eyes, waiting for her response.
"You're what now?" Yup, there it is. Her tone showed pure disbelief, she stood from her spot on the couch, standing over me with an angry face.
"No, hush now. Molly Elizabeth, you are only twenty-one. How many times have I told you to be careful? I had Sarah young and I've always told you how hard that was. Don't get me wrong Sarah you're a blessing. But Molly, I was all on my own raising a child. Her father wasn't in the picture and I was struggling. How could you put yourself in this position?"
"But mum, the dad is in the picture. He's going to be involved." She showed me a look of pure annoyance.
"That's what they always say."
"No mum not this one. He's serious, he's moving closer to me to help take care of me and the baby. And he has money Mum, I won't be struggling." She sat down with a sigh, her angry look fading into one of disappointment, maybe even sadness. "Mum, I promise, I'm going to be fine." I leaned in, giving her a hug and she returned it reluctantly.
"I'm still so disappointed in you. Oh, and your father! Molly he's going to be so upset. We didn't even know you were seeing someone."
"Well see, that's the thing mumma." I scratched the back of my neck, moving closer to Sarah, getting as far away from my mum. "I wasn't really seeing somebody, it was sort of a one night thing. . ." Her annoyance was back, anger clear on her face again.
"Oh I could kill you right now if you weren't housing my grandbaby in there. And you best believe your father will kill the bloke that knocked you up, you do know that right." I nodded my head, her words confirming my thoughts of how my dad would react to me having a baby. "Who is the dad anyway?"

My Sunflower *h.s*
FanfictionWhere a one night stand with a famous singer turns into a bundle of joy and an eighteen year commitment