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I'm sorry (this is a double update so make sure to read chapter 29)

song: you broke me first by tate mcrae

Molly - 20 weeks pregnant

Twenty weeks of pure bliss between Harry and I was all it took for things to absolutely shatter. All of the progress I thought we made, the things we were learning about each other, all seemed to be lies at this point.

I honestly don't know what to do with myself right now, I was just thankful Erica was still here to sit with me. I wanted to cry, I wanted to scream, I wanted to break things, but I couldn't do any of these things. It was like I was frozen to this spot on the couch. However, I did know for a fact that I need to leave this house, and I will as soon as Harry gets home. At least I have the common decency to tell him what I'm doing. . .

"Molls are you sure this is what you want to do right now?" Erica's voice was like a dull ringing in my ear, her words hardly reaching my brain. I don't even recognize saying anything to her, but I guess I did because she nodded her head and looked away from me.

My foot was tapping anxiously against the hardwood flooring, my fingers pulling each other as I focused on the bare wall in front of me. My suitcase was sitting next to me, a jacket around my shoulders and my purse on my lap. I was ready to go the minute he got home. The only reason I was waiting for him is so he knew I left, instead of just disappearing. If I disappeared he would just blow my phone up and I really don't want to talk to him right now.

I booked a flight for Erica and I to go to England later today, partially so I could spend the holiday season with my family and so I could get as far away from Harry as possible. I originally thought both he and I would go to London together to visit family for the holiday's, but I guess things change. As soon as I heard the soft beeps of the alarm and a door shutting I turned my attention to the front room, quickly standing to my feet.

Harry walked in like nothing was wrong, staring at me and Erica in confusion which only grew once he saw both of our suitcases down here.

"What's going on?" His voice was laced with questioning confusion as he set down his keys and wallet on the table next to him, his hand reaching up to push his hair off his forehead. The breath caught in my throat and suddenly everything I wanted to say to him disappeared as I stared at his figure in front of me. Thankfully Erica stepped up, resting his hand on my arm softly.

"We're leaving." She said it so bluntly that it took him by surprise, his eyebrows furrowing and his shoulders tensing.

"You're leaving?" He looked to Erica briefly before shifting his eyes to me, the green in his eyes seeming more dull to me now. I swallowed harshly while shaking my head, not trusting my voice right now. "Why are you leaving?" I looked to Erica still not knowing if any words would come out of my mouth right now.

"We saw the photos of you and some girl." As soon as the words left her mouth Harry's eyes immediately softened and he looked to me, slight guilt in his eyes. The look on his face just made me even more mad and upset.

"Molly. . ." He started to step closer to me but I just took a step back, finally having the courage to say something to him.

"Don't." His face held slight shock when my voice came out louder than expected. "Don't step closer to me."

"Molly, let me explain."

"There's nothing you can say to get yourself out of this situation Harry."

"But its not what it looked like." His voice was still soft but it held slight desperation now, almost like he was begging me to let him say something. But I didn't want to hear what he said right now, the pictures said enough.

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