Chapter 39: Time to attack

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"In every battle there comes a time when both sides consider themselves beaten, then he who continues the attack wins."
- Ulysses S. Grant


"Lilith, are you ready to go? They're waiting for us."

I watch her shoulders go up and down in a deep breath, and then she takes out her sword and faces me, "I'm ready."

I hold out my hand to her and she takes it. It's warm, and kind of sweaty. I guess I can't blame her. There's a lot at stake here tonight. The lives of practically everyone she's met on Neverland are hanging in the balance. Together we jump into the air and fly in the trees to the front of the armada.

I look over at her, the wind whipping her hair around her face, "Everything will be fine. We'll find the mermaid, they'll help us defeat the pirates... again, and then we'll find Alina. It's simple. No one will get hurt."
She bites her lip, "I hope not."
I remember her encounter with The Fates and cannot possibly imagine how frightened she must be. I try to reassure her, "You said what you saw doesn't necessarily happen in this reality, right? So it won't, and definitely not tonight."
Lilith shakes her head slightly, "I just can't shake this feeling that something bad is gonna happen."
I chuckle, "It is."
Her head turns to me, shock on her face.
"To the pirates." I smile.
She grins back, and together we fly through the dark tree tops until we reach the break of rocks.

We land quietly on the cold stones. The instructions for the armada are to remain hidden until I whistle a note that they would recognize. This way, Lilith and I can attempt to rescue Alina on our own with out being noticed, thus saving lives and energy. Or, at least that's the plan. Who knows what will actually happen.

The pale moonlight casts blue shadows around us. Lilith and I quietly peak from behind a set of tall boulders.

"That's Smee's tent." I whisper, pointing to a tent much larger than the rest of them.
She nods, her sword pressed against the rock, "We just need to sneak inside without being noticed. That's gonna be-"

I quickly slam my hand across her mouth. She fights back for a moment, until I point to our source of trouble. A large, pointy-nosed pirate staggers his way past us- a dangerous looking blade in his hand. Once he's gone, I remove my hand from Lilith's mouth and she takes a deep breath.

"Thanks." She whispers, looking over her shoulder at me.
I nod, "Let's try getting over there."

After checking that the coast was clear, Lilith and I silently floated our way over the rocks and behind other hiding places. We flew to three places before Smee's tent was the next one. Our backs were pressed up against the barrels we were hiding behind. We hardly took a breath, listening for a sign of anyone inside. And we heard it.

"I'm tellin ya, little pixie. When yer Kulethe friend gets here, she's gonna have a big surprise." Smee bellowed, laughing wildly at the end. One look at Lilith and I could tell she was practically steaming.
"Oh, yes" He continued, "Quite the surprise. A fairy with no wings? Ha! I'd say you'll be just a sad, little misfit then. Like me. I bet that'll get yer Kulethe plenty mad."

I felt Lilith spring into action beside me before I had a chance to react.
"Lilith, no." I hissed, but it was too late. She burst into the tent at full speed, eyes blazing and sword extended in front of her.

"You'll die before your hand reaches a blade!" She spat at him.
I flew in behind her and was just as surprised as her face was revealing.
Alina was no where in the tent. The flickering light we saw from outside was a mere illusion; created by an old candle. Instead of Alina, we saw Smee, sitting with his legs up on the table and a pistol pointed at the both of us.

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