Chapter 17: Who?

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I've decided to start the year out right with FINALLY updating this!!! I'm so so so sorry its taken so long but I hope you guys enjoy this! I ended up actually dividing the chapter into two separate chapters that way I could upload something today and finish the rest! Anyway, enjoy ♡


"You're here! I thought I'd never see you again!" Lil shouted with glee at the sight of her fairy friend.

Alina jingled, "I've been through a portal before, Lil. How do you think I got to your land?"

Lil put a hand on her chin, "Well I guess I didn't really think of it that way. That whole experience is a blur for me, really. I just remember darkness and... and drums. I heard drums in the water."

"Drums?" Peter chuckled, "Now you sound crazy."

Lil did her best to keep her back to him, inhaling a deep breath before she snapped on him. Keeping her attention on Alina, the wind circulated around her and caused her teeth to chatter ever so slightly from the cold.

"He bothering you yet?" Alina nodded her head towards him.

Lil brought her hands to her temples and massaged them, "I'm afraid so."

"It's not going to get any better." Alina sighed as she crossed her arms, "He may seem like a normal young lad but he's got the spirit of a small woodland fairy."

Lil wrapped her arms around herself, "Just a moment ago he -- wait!" she suddenly exclaimed, a thought forming in her mind mid sentence, "Alina! Your wings!"

Alina's face glowed with a smile. She did a spin while floating in the air, her small wings fluttering calmly up and down. They twinkled even brighter in the moon, and the tear in them was completely gone. Fully extended they were about two times her body size, and a shade lighter than her hair color. Almost translucent except for the beautiful shimmer and mystique.

"Magnificent aren't they? It feels so wonderful to be off the ground again. As soon as I made it through the portal, I looked for you but, I couldn't find you. You were just gone. So I figured I was no help without being able to fly. Luckily I hitched a ride with a kind Blue Jay who dropped me off at the 'Wing-Tailor' back near my home."

"Home being the Palace." Peter stated as he casually leaned on a beam supporting the wooden bridge.

"Wing-Tailor?" Lil questioned, ignoring Peter momentarily.

Alina nodded, "He patched up my wing before my mother was able to notice I was back, which would have meant a zero percent chance of finding you. And then I set out looking, only to find you already occupied." She glared at Peter.

Peter held his hands up in defense, "I was minding my own buisness when I found her. She was so weak she passed out. Would you rather I left her there all alone?"

"I can fend for myself, you know." Lil added, crossing her arms defensively and staring him in the eye.

Peter grinned, but it disappeared when he looked up at Alina and pointed a finger at her, "If your Mom finds out we're back, she'll have our heads."

"Our heads?" Alina said, "More like your head. I did everything my mother asked."

"Except befriending a human girl!" He shouted back.

"What has that got to do with anything?" Alina counterargued.

"Once your Mother sees you brought a person here, you'll be in just as much trouble."

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