Chapter 2: Out with the Old

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Lilith woke up with a parched mouth. She sat up, confused at first, but then remembered she had fallen asleep at her window sill. She reached down and grabbed the bottle of water at her feet and took a swig. She was in the process of getting comfortable again when she noticed something.

The window by her feet was open. Not a lot. Just a crack. But enough that Lilith could feel the breeze blowing through.

"That's odd," she said aloud as she shivered.

She leaned forward to close the window when her pillow sled off the sill and onto the floor.

Lilith groaned and bent down to pick it up. She went to put it back in it's original position when she noticed something else.

Her diary was gone. She lifted all the blankets to look for it, but it had vanished. Just as she was about to give up, she heard a faint giggle from across the room.

With fear, she peered into the darkness, seeking the source of the noise.

She could just barely make out the shadow of a figure standing by the door.

Lilith slide further under her covers.

"W-who's there?" She asked.

The shadow then lifted off the ground and floated to the ceiling. Lilith gasped loudly and stared in disbelief as the dark shadow flew across the ceiling, dropped the book in her lap, and went through the window, slamming it closed behind it.

She immediately jumped up and turned on the lights. There was no sign of her mysterious visitor. Lilith ran back over to the window sill and threw it open. She stuck her head outside and searched the sky for whomever or whatever it was. The only thing she saw was the fast glimmer of a star to her right.

Lilith patted her face and shuck her head, "Must've been a dream."

She closed the window and lied down again. She picked up her phone, it read 3:45am.

With a final huff, she curled up in the blankets and fell asleep again, tightly clutching her diary.


"Lil, you up?" Her mother quietly asked.

"I am now, mom." Lilith moaned.

"Okay good. We have to start unpacking as soon as we can."

Lilith rolled over to face her mom, "I'll be down in a few."

Her mother smiled and closed the door.

Lilith rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and yawned. She sat up and her diary fell to the floor. It brought back the memories of last night.

"That was one freaky dream." She stated as she stood up.

Lilith put her diary back under the pillow and pulled some clothes out of the box on her bed.

Afterwards she strolled downstairs and looked for her mom.

For hours, Lilith and her family repeatedly carried boxes from the van in their driveway to the house.

Many brown boxes were stacked in each room of the house but Lilith was most pleased when she began pulling out boxes with her name on them. One by one they were carried to her room. She couldn't wait to arrange everything and make it feel more like her room.

"Lil, there's one last box in the van that should be yours. Could you get it please?" Her father inquired.

"Sure thing."

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