2. Nervous sweats.

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Shania POV:

I awoke in silence. All I could hear was the slight, slow beeping of the small heart monitor to my left. I turned slightly to look at it. I grimaced in pain when I looked at the monitor.

My entire body hurt, I moved my arms to stretch them and found the skin was lighter than usual. My skin felt tight, as if it had been stretched. I looked at my skin a second time and noticed red blotches across my arms.

I touched my left arm with my right index finger and grimaced once again in pain and agony. My skin burned. I must have gotten burned in the accident.

I swiftly moved the cheap bed sheets off of my abdomen and legs and swung my legs around. I noticed my bare legs looked the same as my arms.

I screamed in pain and no one came to my assistance.

I got up, wobbling, slowly making my way to the door. I placed my fragile hand on the door knob and tried to twist the door open. My try was effortless. I looked out the window on the door and people were there.

I banged on the glass and no one looked over to me. I looked around the room to what I could open the door with and found a fire extinguisher. I ran to the door and smashed the widow with the extinguisher.

I put my hand through the now broken window hole and tried to open the door from the outside. My attempt was pitiful and my arm ran straight across a jagged sliver of glass, cutting my arm open, straight down the arm.

I yelled. I got up and finally, after many attempts, opened the door.

I looked around and saw people frantically running around. I saw some of my friends being wheeled around in gurneys, lifeless and dead-looking.

When I saw Anna, laying in her room, I stopped. I walked in and she was asleep.

"Anna." I said quietly.

She didnt open her eyes.

"ANNA!" I screamed.

No movement.

I went to her, touched her arm.

Her eyes sprung open and she grabbed my arm with brute force, dealing out. Her words not audible, jumbled.

I remember before, she was rushed in an operating room, for deafness.

She must have gone deaf.

Once she calmed down I tried talking to her.

"Anna are you alright?" I asked.

She looked at me and passed out. Her heart monitor went crazy then went flat before the doctors came in.

They started talking in german and pushed me out.

One of them stood in front of her window to block my view.

I tried to piece things together.

I walked in a room, full of gurneys with bodies on them.

I wandered over to them, looking at the bleach white sheets covering the bodies. I looked around, suspiciously, wondering why no one was stopping me.

I went over to 2 of the bodies and pulled back the sheets.

Harry? Nathan?

"WHAT THE HELL??? Harry!!!!!! Nathan!!! Why didn't you push yourselves. You could have lived. You could have lived. Why?? You were too young." By this time I started crying. I loved Harry like a brother and Nathan was a great friend.

I walked over to another, fearing the outcome. There were 5 total. That means 2 remained.

So Anna...is dead? She...died...right...in...front...of...my...eyes..

I walked back to Nathan and Harry and felt their necks, cold, lifeless, no pulse, DEAD.

I walked back to the other 3 and pulled back the sheets.



I cried. I tried to take my time to comprehend this. They were all dead. What about the others?? What happened to ZAYN?

ZAYN?? Oh my gosh...what happened to him. And Liam and Megan and ally and Tom and Abby? And everyone else.

I pulled back the sheet of the last gurney and I fell to the ground.

"NOOOOOOOOO!!!" I screamed, my body jolting in pain and sadness.

The last person on the gurney was


I woke up, in my plane seat, sweating with clammy and itchy hands. I looked to my right and Zayn was there, alive, listening to music.

But? Wasn't he just dead on a gurney? I looked around, the plane still flying and going fine.

Everyone was still alive, was it just a dream?

Anna, And Harry were alive.

Nathan was alive, as well as Louis and Lou.

This was so confusing.

I looked over at Zayn, panting and still sweating in nervousness. I tapped zayns shoulder and he took his ear phones out and addressed me.

"Where are we?" I asked, looking at my arms. They were fine, no spot he's or burns. I rolled up my pant leg and found my leg normal.

"We're just over Germany. We will be landing in about 10 minutes." He said.

He looked at my shaking hands and his brows furrowed.

"Shan, are you alright?" He asked.

"We've been on this plane, the entire time?" I asked.

His gaze met mine and he looked at me in confusion. "Yes. Why?"

I gathered my thoughts. "Harry didn't come over to us? To tell us to be safe and put are blankets on?" I asked, trying to deep breathe and calm down.

"No. We've all been sitting down the entire flight. We're all perfectly fine." He said.

"Ahhh." I said back, I must have been a dream. A really scary, realistic dream.

I slapped myself in the face, making sure I was awake and not DREAMING about being safe but really hurt and in loss.

"Are you alright? You seem skeptical or something I some sorts..." Zayn said, looking worried.

I looked back at him. I looked around at everyone, they were all alive and I saw Shaylin and Nathan, both alive, perfectly fine sitting across from me.

I placed my glance back at zayns, his looking still worried and waiting for an answer.

ONE DAY OR ANOTHER (TLKAR TRIQUEL) Part 3 Where stories live. Discover now