18. confrontation

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I looked through the peep hole. There standing was a blonde girl with caked on makeup and about 10 push up bras on. I think it was the same girl that was kissing Harry in those magazine articles. I opened the door and god knows why.

"Can I help you?" I asked bitterly.

"Yeah, is Harry here?" she asked looking behind me.

"Uh, no actually, he is not here. Why do you need him?" I asked.

"He and I have been hanging out." She said .

"Oh and you don't suppose his fiance has a problem with that?" I ask, putting my hands on my hips.

"Harry's fiance? Who is she? Where is she?" She asked with her prissy and snotty attitude.

"She's standing right in front of you." I said, rolling my eyes.

"Oh wow. I don't see much, why Harry chose you over me is beyond me. But I do see why he came to his senses and cheated on you." She explained, looking at the tips of her fingernails.

"Wow, you are so insecure and shallow. Caking your face with makeup, wearing heavily padded bras. But I get it you want to impress guys with how fake you have to make yourself to be." I tell her off.

"Whatever. At least I can get guys." she nastily says.

"Yeah and you got my sloppy seconds. I had Harry first and you got him second. Did you know that you ruined a relationship? Huh? I love Harry and when I found out that you kissed him or he kissed you from a fan, I lost it. Why are you even here at 3 in the morning?" I asked, folding my arms over my chest so I would not lash out on this stupid bitch.

"I obviously came here to see Harry. Not you so don't flatter yourself." She says.

"Oh well isn't it too bad that he isn't here? I don't know where he is at the moment. Why don't you call him since you seem to be so friendly with each other? You already ruined our relationship so what's another phone call? I really hope you are happy because I am quite the opposite." I said, then she got really enraged and started screaming at me.

"You know what, bitch? You don't even deserve Harry. He should just have dumped you.  Obviously I am way better." she said soaking in self love.

I stayed calm. "You know what, maybe I am. Maybe I don't deserve him, but I don't need some fake ass slut to tell me what I am." I said.

"See you are a bitch." she says.

"Whatever. At least I'm not fake. Just leave me alone." I said and slammed the door to save me from further confrontation.

She screamed through the door. "YOU BITCH!" I couldn't help but laugh.

I tried to ignore her but I couldn't. I walked back into the hotel rom and the thought of Harry with that girl killed me. Was he really that shallow, to go for someone as fake as her? I packed what clothes I had out and finished my toiletries. I heard footsteps and a door open and close with a click. Shit!

I looked to see who it was and saw that it was Harry. I hid in the closet in the bedroom, with slits going down the door. I hoped that he would not look in here. I took a silent breath and looked at Harry.

His eyes were puffy, tears still spilling from them. I could see the clear tears dropping from his eyes and rolling on his cheeks. I only saw him cry a couple times before. He rarely cried. I felt bad seeing him cry but then I remembered that he broke my heart.

The conversation between me and the blonde ran through my head over and over and reality hit me. Harry started to talk.

"What Louis?" he asked into his phone, but I couldn't hear louis.

"No I am at the hotel right now." harry said.

"Yeah just keep looking for Anna, I will be there soon, ok? I just need to get something."

"Thanks Lou, it means a lot to me that all of you guys are helping to find her."

Then he hung up and I kind of realized that he still cared in the slightest. I was still hurt nonetheless.

Harry walked around and looked through things. He sighed and rummaged through things until he stopped and walked over to the door of the room and left into the real world. I stayed hidden in the closet just in case he happened to come back to the room again.

It really meant a lot to me that he still cared and was looking for me along with everyone else at three in the morning.

I was thinking that Harry did not notice the packed bags and suitcases that were on the bed. I had 3 bags and a large suitcase, how could he not notice?

I left my stuff there and took some necessities and a change of clothes. I left my stuff so they would know that I wasn't completely missing.

I took the elevator back down to the lobby and asked the same old man that called up to the room for me earlier, that I was covered and in hiding. He obliged and I thanked him.

I walked and enjoyed sites I was seeing.

Right now the only friend I had were the lights coming from the buildings. I took another trip to Central Park.

There were two men, obviously high, smoking pot. I tried to look normal and walked away. I casually put my hood up, hopefully not wanting to get caught seen in public. I dropped my phone on the ground and when in reached down to grab it, I bumped into someone.

ONE DAY OR ANOTHER (TLKAR TRIQUEL) Part 3 Where stories live. Discover now