15. failed apology

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"Hey Miguel, I don't think I can do a meet and greet now. The guys are enough people for them to meet. I'm just going to go in my dressing room and cool down." I say to him and he nods his head.

"No problem." he says and I turn and walk away from the line.

All of the girls complain, and I don't blame them at all. They must have paid a shitload of money to pay to meet me and here I am just walking away from them.

"Oh, Miguel, give each of them a signed copy of the album and poster and whatever we have to give them that is signed, since I can't meet them, thanks." I shout down the hall.

He nods his head and controls the meet and greet line.

I walk to my dressing room and lock the door behind me before I go and lay on the couch, after putting a sweatshirt on, and drawing the drawstrings so my face is covered with the hood.

I press siri on my phone and tell her to call Shania. It rings and on the second ring she picks up.

"Hey Anna! How was Madison Square Garden?" she asks, knowing our entire tour schedule, and me boasting about performing at MSG.

"Hey....nothing important is going on at this second. I blew off the meet and greet. I'm too depressed right now....Harry cheated on me....and guess how I found out? Go ahead guess?" I ask.

Shania gasps and sighs. "I don't know. Not from him I assume."

I laugh. "Nope. From the first fan that was in the meet and greet line. She had magazines that I'm looking at right now. You know what, the worst part is that he couldn't even strike up the courage and tell me himself." I confess.

"Oh, Anna, I'm so sorry. I feel so bad that I'm not there with you to be there for you. You always have Zayn if you want." she jokes.

I laugh and roll my eyes. "Nice of you to sell your boyfriend as a cuddle bug, to me." I say and she laughs.

"Oh I feel so bad. I never thought Harry was THAT kind of person." she said sorrowfully.

I sighed. "neither did I. I thought I could trust him. I bet you a boatload of money that his excuse is that he was drunk and SHE kissed him." I say.

I can literally see her sitting wherever she is, shaking her head in disappointment for harry.

"I have no words for this. This is terrible. Want me to come and cut his balls off?" she says, trying to make me feel the slightest bit better.

I shake my head, knowing she can't see me. "No, don't cause more trouble. But you can come and spend some time with me. That wouldn't be bad." I say, raising my eyebrow.

"Of course. I will get the soonest flight out there. If you need anything, to talk, a hug well a cyber hug until I get there. Just call me. You're my best friend and you're more important to me." she says.

"Alright Shania. I love you. Haha I mean it. I love you WAY more than Harry right now." I say trying to laugh.

"I love you too, Anna. Stay strong." she says and we both simultaneously hang up after goodbye.

I hang up and that's when I totally lose it. I start hysterically crying and I place my arms over my eyes. That's when the banging starts on my door. I hear all of the guys voices and I try not to let them know I'm in here.

"Anna, are you in there?" Niall asks pounding on the door.

I ignore the question and continue my whimpering, and then Harry decides to speak through the door.

"Anna, babe, are you alright? We know you are in there?" he says, acting like nothing has happened.

Still, I ignore them and stand up. I walk up to the door and hear them talking amongst themselves. "GO AWAY!" I scream.

They all are silent and I slide down against the wall next to the door, the stupid magazines still in my hands.

I hear rustling outside of the door and it sounds like they are trying to bust the door down. I assumed right and they are in my dressing room, seconds later, standing before me, watching me cry my heart out in pain.

They all stand in front of me, worrysome looks on their faces. Why do they care? Why do they put so much effort and time into me? Why can't they just go away?

"just go away." I mumble, looking away from them.

They all snicker between the five of them and I bang my head against the wall, on accident.

"Are you ok?" Harry asks, kneeling down next to me.

"No, I am NOT ok. Just leave me alone, all of you. I don't need your help. Just go away and leave me alone to continue your lives. It's not like any of you care anymore." I say standing up and looking at all of them with tears streaming down my face.

They all look at me shocked. I shake my head and roll my eyes. "Way to be clueless about things, you ass hole." I say throwing the magazines at Harry and walking away.

He tried apologizing but I walked away too soon for him to get a chance to. I told him to save his bullshit excuse and explanation. I left the arena as a whole, walking to our hotel, not caring about fans or paparazzi. I walked the whole five blocks to the hotel, four seasons, and went up to my hotel room and laid down on the bed so I could cry.

I then heard crying and panicking. It was harry. Great, he was here too? This is just ironic and great. My day couldn't get ANY better. I heard talking and it was harry having a conversation with the boys.

I heard Liam and Harry arguing, but I could not quite make out exactly what they were saying to one another, but I knew for sure it was about me throwing the magazines at Harry and calling him an ass hole.

I decided I would face harry now rather than later. My mom always said "Anna, face your problems head on. Don't hide behind them because if you don't solve them, they will only get worse." she used to say to me before she died.

I walked over to the door that opened to a big room that connected all of our rooms and took one giant deep breath. I opened the door and saw Liam and Harry in a deep conversation. The first one to look at me was Harry, of course. His eyes were red, puffy and tear strained along with his cheeks. Mine probably didn't look much better.

I sat down on the couch and texted Shania.

""Me: I have decided to face Harry. I left the arena but I want to talk.

Shania: alright. I hope all goes well. If he hurts you tell me or Zayn.

Me: I don't think he will. Zayn is here along with the other guys. They can hear our conversation for all I care.

Shania: alright. Let me know what happens. If you're not up to talking, zayn can fill me in.

Me: thanks Shan. <3 u to pieces. I'm gonna go now.

Shania: k. Good luck. Bye bye.

Me: thanks.""

I looked up from my phone and put it away just as Harry started apologizing.

ONE DAY OR ANOTHER (TLKAR TRIQUEL) Part 3 Where stories live. Discover now