9. Happy birthday part 1/4

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Anna POV:

I laid next to Harry in his hotel bed. It was nice, warm and not really all that lonely with him. I had to sneak into his room after the show because management has the "no sex" rule. Ya know? I mean that's not what our life consists of...at all.

I had my head resting on his chest and I could hear the slow, thumping sound of his beating heart. I also felt his chest fall and rise every time he took a breath.

I opened my eyes an just stared at the ceiling, then the wall, then the other wall. Boring right?

I leaned up and sat next to Harry, facing him. I poked his chest and leaned over his face with mine. "Harr" I called.

He didn't respond. "Harry." I said moving my face closer to his. I hovered my lips over his and called his name again.

"Harry, wake up." I said before pressing my lips to his.

His eyes slowly fluttered open and he put his hand over his eyes. "Babe." He said in his groggy, morning voice.

"Wake up. It's your birthday." I said and he removed his hand from his face and placed it around my back and pulled me closer to him.

"Cuddle with me." He said, still groggy.

"Let's go out and celebrate your birthday." I said looking at him straight in the face.

"Ok. Let's just stay here until I wake up." He says smiling.

"You're already up doofus." I say rolling my eyes.

"No name calling. It's my birthday." He says with a serious expression.

"I know all the more reason to get up, get dressed all lovely, and go do something with your girlfriend." I say nodding my head and pointing to my noggin.

"See I got a smart cell up there somewhere." I say laughing.

"I'm not sure that's a thing. but I love you still." He says laughing.

We both start laughing and I lay down next to him and put my arm around his torso.

"Happy Birthday babe. I love you so much." I say hugging what I can of him.

"Thanks, Anna. I love you too. Please don't tell me that we have to go anywhere today?" He asks whining in my ear.

I look up at him and grin evilly. "Well...." I trail on.

"Well what?" He asks raising his eyebrow.

"The boys and I are throwing you a party. You deserve it. And maybe after, we can come back here and cuddle." I say in a cocky way.

He rolls his eyes. Man he can really be lazy when he wants to be. Then he smiles feverishly. "I like the sound of that." He says.

I lean up and give him a kiss on the lips. "Good because your party starts in an hour. Now legs get you dressed up all nice." I say getting out of the bed and pulling him from the sheets.

"Nooo." He moans, trying to stay in the bed.

"Harry. Stop being lazy and get up. I know you sleep naked but it's just me." I say using all of the strength in my arms and using my feet against the floor as friction to pull him from the bed.

I try and try but my efforts seem to be effortless. "C'mon har. Help me out here."

"I don't wanna get up!" He yells.

"Harold. You are twenty. Stop acting like a child." I scold, letting go of his hands and walking away, pretending to be angry.

"Wait. Don't leave me here." I hear him say before feet hitting the ground.

"Should've thought about that a little while ago. I'm going to my room. See you later." I shout behind me before closing the door.

I hear the door open then close and then I hear Harry shouting. The bastard probably forgot his clothes. Haha.

I knocked on Abby's door and found her on the other side of the door. She was wearing a nice peach colored dress with sandals on.

"Hey." I said walking in her room.

She closed the door and turned to me. "What's up?" She says.

"It's Harry's birthday today. That's what's up." I say calmly sitting on her bed and making a duck face.

"Oh yeah it's February already. Haha wow. Anyways Niall was talking about how the boys were planning something for his party." Abby explains.

"Ah. First I've heard of it. They don't even include me in the plans." I say signing and abby laughs.

"Oh well. Price you pay for being the girlfriend." She says.

"Isn't the girlfriend supposed to plan the party?" I ask with my eyebrows furrowed.

Abby shrugs and jumps on the bed then turns the tv on. "I don't know. Nialls birthday is in September. I didn't do anything except buy him food for his last birthday." She explains.

"I already got Harry a present though. I hope he'll like it." I say rolling my eyes and turning my attention to the tv.

"What'd ya get him?" Abby asked.

"I got him a pair of tickets to see Coldplay. Since I know Chris Martin, I got backstage passes." I said like it was no big deal at all.

"That's nice. Can ya get me a pair of tickets to see Karmin?" Abby asked.

"Karmin? Like Amy and Nick?" I asked and she nodded her head with a creepy smile sprawled across her face.

"Yeah I probably could. Why?" I asked and she flipped out.

"I wanna go to one of their concerts but try don't play many because they're not too too famous yet." She explains.

"I'll talk to my manager about it tomorrow. I can get you some." I explained.

"Yay! Thanks so much!" She says hugging me.

"No problem. I'm gonna go see what these immature boys have planned for Harry's party." I say before walking out of the door and slamming it shut.

I walk walk out of her room and Harry pulls me into him. He's wearing a nice white shirt and black jeans.

"Hey birthday boy." I say kissing his cheek.

"Wanna go out to breakfast?" He asks.

I nod my head. "Sure. What do you want?" I ask.

He shrugs. "I don't know. Let's go find something."

I laugh. "I don't think it's gonna work out. We will probably get jumped. C'mon let's find a place online or try to take a walk." I explain.

He puts his arms around my waist and kisses my forehead. "I don't care what we do. As long as I am with you on my birthday. I know it's corny but I love you and I want to spend my birthday with you." He says kissing my nose.

"Well, Mr. Styles, you will be having a good birthday because I am not going anywhere. Let's just figure it out as we go. I say we go for a walk." I say and he then kisses my lips.

"Let's go then, Miss. Rosen." He says smiling.

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