23. Stay away from all of us

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Harry POV:

"Why are you crying?" she asked in an unbelievably innocent voice.

Oh god, I can't do this. I left the room, I couldn't handle the thought of breaking down in front of her.

I had made myself believe that it was all a joke. That I would go back and she would remember me again. Unfortunately it was all just a figment of my imagination. But I couldn't help thinking that maybe it was better this way. If I showed her how much I loved her now, she would forgive me later.

Oh god. How could I be so selfish. She was probably in there scared out of her mind and I'm out here worrying about myself. I couldn't live without her. I've probably said that sentence a million times ever since this whole things happened. I thought that she could probably live without me. She was so much stronger than me. After all of the things she has gone through, the least I could do was be there for her.

Niall POV:

She just fell asleep. She had a lot of questions, but I didn't really answer them. I thought it was Harry's place next to her, but I guess he wasn't ready.

He's one of my best friends, but he needed to stop feeling bad for himself and help Anna.

I had loved her from the beginning. She was nice and adorable and I really liked her but she was always Harry's. She became off limits since day one. Now I can only love her like a sister. I couldn't help myself and I leaned down and kissed her cheek. Letting my lips linger for just a seconds too long. Her eyes flutter open and just before sleep pulled her under, she gave me a small smile.

Anna POV:

Through a hazy cloud of fog, I felt a warm pair of lips press against my cheek. I opened my eyes for a second to see his angelic face look into my eyes. I was able to smile just before I fell back asleep.

"Niall," I voice whispered in my mind.

Recognition downed on me.

I remember YOU.

I think before this whole hospital thing happened, I was going out with Niall. He was here this entire time I've been awake. Then he kissed my face. I opened my eyes and Niall was standing there.

"Niall?" I asked.

"Yeah, Anna?" he said back.

"Are you my boyfriend?" I asked, hesitant.

"Do you think I am?" he asked.

"Well, I remember being with you." I said.

He looked worried. "Oh no. I'll be right back." he said, running out of the room.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

Niall POV:

Right when she asked if I was her boyfriend I immediately felt a huge knot in my stomach. What was I doing? I had a beautiful girlfriend, Abby. I made a huge mistake. I didn't know what to do. Harry needed to get his ass in her hospital room and tell her all of the truth.

I looked around for the guys and found them comforting Harry.

"Guys. I need to tell you something about Anna. Harry, it's important." I explained.

He looked up at me with tears in his eyes. This would crush him. He needed to know.

"Just tell me Niall." he spat out.

ONE DAY OR ANOTHER (TLKAR TRIQUEL) Part 3 Where stories live. Discover now