26. zayn has a rant

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Harry POV:

I sat in the cell of course, feeling sorry for myself. Suddenly a group of officers came into the station, shouting different things to each other. I heard a familiar name, I think.

I listened closer. Thankfully I was in my own cell now, so no one was really talking, preventing me from hearing what they were talking about.

"Guys, Anna Rosen is missing. She is famous and very rich. Not to mention young and frail. If someone finds her, that could be very bad." I heard one man say.

What? Did I hear that correctly? I thought they said Anna. What the actual fuck? I stopped my thoughts to hear if they really said her name. I waited to hear them again, and suddenly there was a loud shout.

"Guys, this is serious. You are all sitting around when there is a missing, unhealthy celebrity." One guy said.

I tried processing this all in my head. While remaining calm.

"We put an APB on Anna Rosen in the hopes that an officer will find her tonight. Look everywhere and talk to anyone to see if they have seen her." I heard.

Some police officers walked closer to me and continued their conversation.

"Make sure to look out for girls in black and purple hoodies, sunglasses and a pair of bleached jeans. Does everyone here know what she looks like?" the guy on the left said.

"Yeah. She has red hair, brown eyes and is about 5'9"." the guy on the right said.

"The nurse at the hospital said that she found her IV, which she needed, in her room along with her hospital gown. The clothes she was wearing when she checked into the hospital, look like this. They were gone when the nurse got back to the room." I'm guessing, the police chief said.

I cleared my throat, letting them know that they weren't alone in the room.

"Can I help you?" the police chief snarled and crossed his arms.

"Oh yeah. I couldn't help but overhead your conversation there. Anna Rosen is, well I don't know about now, but she is my girlfriend." I said, not knowing if anyone cared.

The police officer came up to me and glared at me. He examined me head to toe then stopped at my eyes, meeting a mutual stare. He started speaking.

"Son, my name is Chief Joseph Lockwell. I will need you to come with me." He motioned to his buddy there with the keys.

"Where are we going?" I asked following Lockwell around.

I earned glances from the police officers. My hands were tied back and there were pictures of Anna on every computer screen with a person behind each desk.

"Oh my god! That is Harry Styles!" a teenage girl screamed through the large police station. I felt really uncomfortable.

"So you are Harry Styles, that famous pop star that beat up the other pop star?" Lockwell asked.

"Unfortunately I am. I made a really bad decision that will cost a lot of consequences." I said, still following Lockwell to what I guess was the interrogation room.

I followed him to exactly what I thought, the interrogation room.

"Please sit down Mr. Styles." Lockwell said.

I sat down in the chair and crossed my arms, unhappy with the way I was being treated.

Shania POV:

I walked into the hospital to visit Niall and see how he was doing. Zayn refused to leave his bedside after what happened and he rescued Niall from Harry. Then I knew that it was going to be more than a joyful and exciting visit. All of the boys had frowns on their faces. I looked around and saw that Megan, Ally and Abby looked worried.

"We have to tell you all something that we found out this morning." Liam said.

"What happened? What's wrong?" Ally asked.

"Is it Niall?" Abby asked worried.

"Uh, Anna went missing two hours ago. No one knows where she is and the doctors say that she needs the IV that she had in her arm." Louis explained.

"Oh my god." I said, breathing heavily and realizing that my best friend was missing.

Abby looked down and sighed. "Hey are you ok?" I asked her.

"Yeah I am just worried about her. And Niall too of course. I don't think that she needs to go through anything else." she said.

"I am just surprised that you don't mind that Niall kissed Anna." Megan said.

"No, not really. I mean it isn't either of their faults and I don't blame Niall for doing it. He is one of her good friends. We are all great friends. We are a family and I have to understand that he did it because they are friends. And he didn't even kiss her on the lips, on her cheek. I think that we should really pray for them. I sound like a bible thumper but they need our thoughts. Especially Anna, where ever she is." Abby said raising her eyebrows, questioning her.

"I agree with Abby." I said.

"Who is going to tell Harry?" Megan asked.

We all looked at each other praying she did not just ask that.

"I don't think that anyone will. No one really wants to talk to him after what he did to Niall and Anna. He can rot in a jail call and think about what he has done to all of us. He hurt all of us and if not directly us, he hurt our friends. He hurt Anna and Niall the most. He does not deserve to know at all. Fuck him. I don't know about all of you but I really hope I don't see that bastards face ever again. He fucked up all of our lives." Zayn said then he walked away.

Wow how could Zayn be so heartless? Sure I loved him to death, but it was like he didn't even care about Harry. He did have a point. Maybe he was right.

Niall POV:

I awoke again, looking around and seeing seven faces. This was a surprise to see everyone in the room at the same time.

"Hey." I said.

Abby stood there as everyone looked around looking scared shitless.

"Anna is missing." Someone blurted out.

"Why would you say that Zayn? Niall isn't stable." Shania said.

"Because I am sick and tired of secrets in this "family" because we kept things from Harry and Anna and where are they now? Huh? One is in jail for beating his best friend up and the other is missing when she is unhealthy, unstable and sick. She could go into a coma again. Ok so everyone stop pretending that everything is peachy fine and alright. It's not. Two of our friends who happen to be the most insane and depressed couple I know. Who are in need of some serious fucking help. So that's why I told Niall. I told him the truth, I'm not sugar coating things anymore. I am tired of all the lies and cover ups. I am tired of all of this. It's Anna's fault that she is this way. I am done. So when all of you are done pretending and open your eyes to the reality of this world and Anna and Harry's lives, I'll be here." Zany said, storming out of the room.

Wow, that was an intense rant and boy was it effective.

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