8. Dodge ball

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Anna POV:

I jumped off the stage and ran around the arena since there was no one there.

"You know why I hate touring?" I yelled at the boys who stood on the stage.

They all shrugged. "Why?" They asked.

"BECAUSE YOU DONT TAKE IT SERIOUSLY!" I shout at them throwing dodge balls at their heads as they all duck and try not to get hit by the red balls.

"We do take it seriously!" Liam shouted. Gripping his microphone tightly.

"Hardly. Name ONE time where you took rehearsals and sound check seriously?" I asked raising my eyebrows and putting my hands on my hips.

"Last week in Ireland." Niall explained.

"Ok. That was only because you were the only one besides me taking it seriously. Because we were playing in mullingar." I explained.

"Points for Anna!" Niall said making a dinging sound with his mouth.

"Correct! Last time Harry took it seriously, zayn? Liam. Don't get me started on you Lou. The only reason you like to go on tour is to show Megan the scenery and the views of different places." I explained blabbing on.

"She has a point." Louis said.

I widened my eyes and my mouth hung to the floor. "Did Louis Tomlinson just say I have a point? What has the world gone to?" I asked putting my hand on my forehead and walking away flabbergasted.

"I did." I heard Louis say.

"I think Nathan takes our tour more seriously and he's in the Wanted. Now that's saying something." I say and the boys all snicker amongst themselves.

"THAT is not true. I think you took it too far." Harry says pointing at me.

"Whatever." I say throwing my hands up in the air.

I pick up one of the dodge balls and drop it before I kick it up on the stage and the boys all duck again.

I start laughing. "Hey did Simon tell you about Madison Square Garden?" I ask bouncing the dodge ball on the ground like I'm dribbling a basketball.

"Yeah I think he mentioned it." Zayn says bouncing his own dodge ball.

"What are you guys talking about?" Harry and Liam ask.

"Oh Simon is having us make a movie. He thinks it will get a lot of PR. That's why the cameras have followed us around." I explained.

"Why do we never get informed on things?" Liam asked.

"I don't know. Simon likes me and Zayn the best. Megan knows too!" I shouted.

"Oh so Megan finds out things before me and she isn't even touring." Louis grumps and storms off the stage.

I widen my eyes and cock my eyebrow. "He's a sissy." I mumble not audible.

"So what is this film going to prove?" Niall asks.

"I think it's just supposed to show our lives. Right?" Harry asks shrugging his shoulders.

"Yeah I guess. They wanna show our lives." I say frowning.

"I suppose that's why Simon wanted all of us to go home to see our families. So they could tape that too." Liam proposes.

"Yeah. At least you guys have family." I say looking down and frowning.

"You have us, Anna. And you have your family, like Melanie, Brandon and Daisy." Zayn explains.

"That's true. I mean all I lost was my parents but it still seems empty in the family department. Ya know? Even though I have extended family." I explain, still bouncing the dodge ball in my hands.

"It's ok to feel that way. You lost the two most important people in your life." Harry says smiling.

"Haha. Yeah. Now you're the most important person in my life." I say lightly smiling.

"Awh." Harry says.

"Great. Be prepared to see these two making out now." Niall says rolling his eyes.

I furrow my eyebrows and look at Niall confused. "Not everything we say to each other concludes in us making out." I inform him, then throwing the dodge ball at his face only to have him catch it.

"Nice try." He says smugly. I pick up another ball and nail him right in the middle of his face. "Hahaha. Now who's talking Horan." I tell pointing at him.

Suddenly someone throws a dodge ball at me and I fall to the ground. Everyone looks to seeing Louis standing at the edge of the stage smirking because he hit me with the ball.

"Don't underestimate the sissy." He says with a smirk on his face.

"Shut up you prick!" I yell, standing up and flattening out my shirt that got messed up.

He laughs his stupid little Louis laugh and stands there. I glare at him through squinted eyes.

"Where are the girls? I need some social support here." I say twirling around, looking for the girls who are having the time of their lives at an amusement park.

"Soo how about this movie we are starring in?" Liam asks, shoving his hands in his pockets.

"Sounds legit." I say shrugging.

"I suppose thats why they were filming us in the last year or so. They just never told us what it was for." Harry says putting his arm around me comfortingly.

"It sounds pretty fun! And they'll have to have a premier for it!" Niall states in a state of awe.

"No shit leprechaun." Louis says and I pick up a ball and throw is at his face.

"Not all Irish are leprechauns." I say defending Niall.

"Yes they are." Louis says like the arrogant ass hole he is.

"THAT IS SO RACIST LOUIS!" We all yell at him.

"That's like saying Anna is a nazi because she's German." Liam states and I grimace.

"Well I can say from personal experience that I've been called that before." I mumble for everyone to hear.

"Or calling Brits tea people or shit like that." I add in. "Whatever, it's racist."

I say and Louis crosses his arms over his chest and pouts. Then all the girls walk in and sit in the front row of the arena.

"GIVE US A PRIVATE CONCERT!" Shania screams.

"NO!" Zayn shouts back.

"Where's Nathan and shay?" I ask the girls and they shrug.

"Where's who?" I hear and shay walks in with Nathan on her arm, both of them smiling widely.

"You look guilty." Liam states.

"We've gotta tell you something." Shay says.

"Go on?" I encourage.

"We are having a baby." Nathan says.

I widen my eyes and smile! "Wow! That's great shay! And Nathan too!"

ONE DAY OR ANOTHER (TLKAR TRIQUEL) Part 3 Where stories live. Discover now