5. Like order it.

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Anna pov:

"THANK GOD WE'RE ON LAND!" Shania shouted as she jumped off of the plane and started kissing the ground.

I got off the plane after her and walked past her. "I think she's lost it." I said. Honestly, something was up with Shania. She did wake up sweating on the plane.

Zayn laughed and helped her up. "Everything alright?" He asks Shania and tries effortlessly to help her up. Her hair is flailing everywhere, what a sight to see.

"Yes. That flight was mad long!" Shania says sassily snapping her fingers in zayns face, after she got off of the ground.

We all rolled our eyes. "Can we just go inside! I gotta pee!" Niall yells holding his groin and wobbling inside.

"You know it's all in polish right?" Abby asks Niall laughing, Niall looking around holding his crotch as if he were gonna explode there.

"No. Someone tell me how to ask for the bathroom." He asks turning around and jumping around like a bean and breathing heavily.

I look at him and laugh. Poor boy. Harry nudges me and says. "Je dis que vous lui dites quelque chose de mal." He says that I should tell Niall something wrong, to mess up in front of Polish people.

"No. That's mean Harry." I say hitting his shoulder and shaking my head in disapproval.

"Why is he mean?" Liam asks putting his arm around ally.

"Because...it doesn't matter. Niall ask; Przepraszam, gdzie jest łazienka?" I say looking at a very squirmy and impatient Niall.

Niall looks at me with a very questioning glare. I roll my eyes and look around for a sign that says bathroom. I can tell he has a hard time catching on to new languages. At least we don't need to spend money on translators.

"Try to avoid fans but the bathroom is down this hallways to the left and then it's there. God mail you are seriously helpless!! Now go before you pee yourself." I say laughing.

Everyone watched as Niall bolted to the bathroom. He came back after and we got all of our suit cases, greeted some polish fans and then went to our lovely hotel room. Staying in Poland was interesting because the people and their cultures are completely and utterly different than us. I mean I'm German, the other girls are American and 4/5 of the guys are British with the exception of once Irishman.

When we got to our hotel, we got settled into our rooms. Management didn't let us room with each other. Like Harry and I aren't allowed to room together. Louis and megan, ally and Liam and so on. I guess they don't want us getting "tired" from doing the dirty deed.

It cracked me up. I mean I understand why management does it but seriously we're not in the 8th grade going on a field trip. You don't have to tape our doors shut. Just kidding they don't do that, imagine if they did.

Anyways, we got locked on our floor, yes there are that many fans in Poland of us. We got locked on the floor where all of our rooms were located. The band; josh, dan, sandy and Jon all shared two rooms. Tom, lux and Lou had one room, I got my own because the "performers" got their own room for sleeping issues. Finally, Shania and Abby shared a room while ally and megan shared one. And shay and Nathan stayed in one. Miguel and Paul shared but I don't really see the point of all of this information.

"HARRY!!" I screamed down the hall of the floor we were on.

Paul stood out of his room and glared at me. "Anna please calm down!" He shouts back.

"Ok!" I say skipping down the hall as Harry finally surfaces from his room.

"Yeah?" He asks holding the door open with his foot.

"You should order some pizza!!" I say shouting standing in front of his room.

"I can't order. You do it. You speak polish. And they have pizza in Poland??" He asks standing in front of his door so it doesn't close.

"Yeah Harry. They have pizza everywhere. Not just in America you ditz." I say laughing and pushing him into his room.

I push him backward until he hits the edge of his bed. I push him down on the bed and start kissing his lips. He wraps his arms around my waist and kisses back with passion and lust.

"I love you." I murmur against his lips. I feel him smile against my lips.

"I love you more than you know." He says and I laugh.

"So about tout that pizza?" I ask, tilting my head for more emphasis.

"DID SOMEONE SAY PIZZA?" Niall asks poking his head into Harry's hotel room and noticing our position on the bed.

"This is why we all have separate rooms. Thanks Perves. But seriously, Anna, can you like order pizza, like now?" Niall asks tapping his finger on the door frame.

"Yeah, I can like order it." I say getting off of harry and rolling my eyes.

ONE DAY OR ANOTHER (TLKAR TRIQUEL) Part 3 Where stories live. Discover now