29. The life of Katalyn Anna Rosen

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5 years later: Shania's pov:

I had never seen him look so worried in my life. He looked like he was going to cry and he did in fact shed a few tears once I agreed to be his wife. How could I say no? He was the one person who understood me most and I loved him to death. Heck, I had decided that if he didn't propose to me I would ask him, but he beat me to it. I could never ask for anyone better than Zayn in my life. I didn't want anyone else.

Now here we are are at the alter just pronounced man and wife and I cannot think of a moment when I was happier in my entire life. I beam at him as he leans down for our first kiss as a married couple.

He kisses me softly, so tenderly that I can feel the love radiating from him.

"I love you Shania Malik," he whispers against my lips.

"And I love you Mr. Zayn Malik." I sigh with content. "Shania Malik, I could definitely get used to that."

"You have a whole lifetime to get used to it." He replies and beams at me.

We all leave the chapel and head to the reception area.

Once we arrive I see all of my loved ones gathered around. I see Meg and Louis smiling in happiness towards us and Abby and Niall both winking at Zayn and I in unison. Shay is slow dancing with her little 5 year old, Luke as Nathan holds their daughter Aurora and spins her around. Ally and Liam's eyes are both shining with tears as they look up at us. My eyes land on the only person who doesn't look happy, Harry.

Zayn didn't want him here. He said that he was the one who ruined everything and the reason that Anna wasn't with us. I had replied adamantly that it wasn't his fault. Anna had loved and wanted him to be happy. Who are we to judge if Anna forgave him after all that happened between them? So here Harry is at Zayn and I's wedding. And I can see it kills him to know that his old friends don't want him here.

I walk down from the head table in the huge ballroom and walk towards Harry. He looks confused as I walked up, but I didn't give him the chance to ask any questions because I immediately engulf him in a hug.

"I forgive you Harry. For everything, it doesn't matter to me. I want you to know that this wasn't your fault. We're all human and we can't help the things we do. I still love you like the brother you have always been to me. I want to remind you that Anna always loved you no matter what happened between you. I want to remind you that their are still those who love you. I want you to know that even when no one else is there, I'll always be there for you, no matter what." By this time there is a lump in my throat that prevents me from talking. I release Harry and find that their are tears running down my face.

Harry smiles tragically towards me. "Hey, don't cry, love." He says to me even there are tears on his cheeks as we'll.

"Don't want to ruin your makeup on your wedding day do we?" He asks as he wipes my cheeks.

I laugh softly and smile at him. I feel a presence behind me. It's Zayn. I tense, knowing that Zayn still hasn't forgiven Harry. I turn to try to calm him down because I imagine that he is furious with Harry. I'm astounded to see him glossy eyed and smiling in Harry's direction. I move to the side as Zayn walks right passed me and embraces Harry. At first Harry is caught by surprised and stays stiff, but then softens against his best mate. As they separate I see that Harry is full on sobbing now and Zayn seeing this hugs him again. When they finally break apart Harry has calmed down a little.

"I want us to be mates again." Zayn says. "I've held into a grudge for so long that I didn't even realize that I was doing everyone more bad than good." Zayn starts to get choked up. "Forgive me Harry, please."

Harry shakes his head in disbelief. "No mate don't you dare apologize. You did nothing wrong. You are ten times the man I will ever be. I'm sorry that I've been sulking in my own misery and haven't seen the people right next to me. I'm so lucky to be able to say that we were once friends."

"Are friends." Zayn replies. "We are friends, best friends."

Harry grins and nods. He looks towards Niall and seems apprehensive. Zayn claps him on the shoulder and encourages him. Harry walks across the room.

Niall is sitting in a chair next to Abby. Harry kneels down in front of him and bows his head.

"Niall please forgive me. I can't believe that I couldn't see that all you ever wanted was the best for me. I hope that one day I'll be able to earn back your trust."

Niall smiles and says, "You never lost it." Harry looks up, surprised.

"I knew you'd come to your sense some day." Niall jokes and kneels down as we'll to hug Harry.

I can't take it anymore and start clapping like a mad woman. Soon the whole is drowned in thunderous applause. Niall takes a bow and grabs Harry and makes him do the same. They are both laughing and look so happy that it seems that nothing ever happened between them.

I realize that this is the best day of not just Me and Zayns lives, but one of the greatest days of Harry's as well. Though I know as the applause die down we all feel the absence of the one person that brought life to every situation, Anna. Tears fill my eyes as I think of what Anna would say if she was here right now.

I can just imagine her saying, "you guys are so dramatic! But it's about time you made up!"

I scoop up my champagne glass and tap it with a spoon to get everyone's attention.

"I'd like to raise a toast and say a few words about the one person missing from all of our lives, my best friend Anna."

"She was the most amazing person that I have ever had the privilege to call a friend. She was the strongest person that has ever lived. She has faced so much in her life, but she always found a way to laugh even in the worst times in life. Not only that but she always kept us laughing with her crazy antics. If anyone deserved to live a full and happy life it was her. She was going to get married and have a gorgeous baby. She was going to go on to be so much more successful than she already was. She was going to be my maid of honor. She was going to give me crazy advice about marriage that would make me more nervous than anything else, but then we'd laugh about it and I'd feel one hundred times better. She was going to make so many more memories with all of us. She was going to be the best ever god mother to Luke and Aurora. She was going to laugh and cry and LIVE so much more. She was going to watch her children grow old and have children if their own and watch Harry get wrinkly and bald. She was supposed to be here for all of it. But it's always the ones we need most that are taken from us. I just wanted to say that it's not the same without her and that we all miss her."

I look up toward the ceiling as if talking to Anna. "You hear that Anna? We all love you. I wish you were here, but I like to think that everything happens for a reason. Though if there was anything I could do I would bring you back. I hope you're happier up there, wherever you are. I want you know that I'm looking after everyone and that you don't have to worry. You will always be remembered. No matter where we go, what we do, however much we change our love for you will never change." I smile through the tears and raise my glass. Everyone follows my actions.

"This toast is for Anna and her beautiful baby." I look to Harry and he corrects me.

"Darcy, we were going to name her Darcy."

I smile and say "To  Anna and Darcy."

I look around to see hundreds of people clink their drinks and drink to the wonderful life of Katalyn Anna Rosen.

ONE DAY OR ANOTHER (TLKAR TRIQUEL) Part 3 Where stories live. Discover now