The Second Thing I Never Said

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Lucas oh how i wish you liked me too, and how much i love your smile is something i never told you. Your smile makes me smile even if something tragic happens. I love it so much.
The movie ended and i was beyond tired. I turned to Lucas and asked if i could stay they night.
"You don't have to ask Maya, my house is your house and yours is mine, we basically live together." He said mid yawn.
I smiled at him and leaned my head on the armrest of the couch in the opposite direction of Lucas.
"Goodnight Maya." Lucas said yawning again.
"Night Cowboy." I yawned as well.

*next morning*

I woke up to the smell of pancakes. I shot up and ran to the kitchen and saw Lucas making pancakes with his back turned to me.
"Good morning Lucas, and since when could you cook?" I questioned him.
"Good Morning clutterbucket, and i cant." He said turning to show me the burnt pancakes in the frying pan.
"Alright that seems right." I smirked and took the pan from him and tossed out the hockey pucks he calls pancakes. I gathered the ingredients.
"Maya theres batter right there you know?" Lucas said pointing to a box.
"Homemade is better, have I taught you nothing??" I scolded him.
I finished making the pancakes and Lucas and i began to eat. We took our time, after all it was a Saturday.
"We are only friends because you can cook." Lucas joked with me.
"Oh, I'm so offended I'm gonna go cry into the cup of fucks that i give, good thing its empty." I remarked.
"Oh, killer comeback short stack!" Lucas said shaking his head.
He got up and put our plates in the sink.
"Im gonna go shower and change." I told Lucas. He nodded, and i walked down the fire escape to go shower.
I hopped in the shower and didn't bother shampooing my hair this time. After like ten minutes i got out and put on my underwear and a pair of pants, but i couldn't find a shirt. I walked around in my bra and went into my room to see if i could find one, no luck i walked back out and saw Lucas. I screamed a little.
"Shit, Maya I'm sorry!" He yelled turning around and covering his eyes.
"It's fine, i just cant find a shirt for some reason, i think their all dirty." I said calming down.
"Um, oh, uh i'll go get one of mine you can borrow it." Lucas stuttered.
" yeah, uh, thanks..." I said awkwardly still covering my chest.

Lucas's P.O.V

I cant believe that just happened. I came down to ask if she wanted to wear my jersey because Riley was out of town for the week.
That was so awkward, and kind of attracti- NO i was dating Riley. I love Riley. I was going to marry Riley, now is not the time for old feelings to resurface. I'll admit i liked Maya when we were in middle school but she didn't like me.
Gosh that was just so awkward i swear.

Im still going to ask her, i'll just bring the jersey with me and then ask her.

Maya's P.O.V

Well, that was awkward. I may like Lucas but I don't want him to see me shirtless. No no no, not cool.

A moment later Lucas came back down and i had my hands covering my chest again.

"So Maya i have a football game today, as you know and i was wondering if you wanted to wear my jersey In the crowd?" He asked nervously.

"Sure." I smiled taking the jersey out of his hands and putting it on.
"Awesome, because Riley's out of town and i need the support." He grinned widely.
"Lucas we both know that i will always support you." I said hugging him.
"I know." Lucas said to me.
I smiled and told him to go get his gear so that he could warm up before the game. After all the game was at 12:00 and it was 11:00 now.
Our team was undefeated. And thats something the school was very proud of it would crush Lucas if they lost.
He went upstairs to get his stuff and then we left, he drove there and he got out to practice i watched from the front row on the bleachers in the comfort of my skinny jeans and Lucas's baggy jersey. My combat boots hovering above the turf below.
I cant wait for the game to start and then it would be another victory for the eagles. That was the name of our team.

Lucas, myself, my friend Emily,and his friend Mathew were gonna go out to celebrate.

Today would be fun.

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