The Third Thing I Never Said

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I love how you understand me and help me through it all, and i meant it when i called you my moral compass, oh how i wish you were mine.
  We had arrived at the campus and met up with Mathew and Emily.
"Hey Maya" Mathew said to me as Emily waved.
"Hey Lucas." They both said to Lucas.
He smiled and waved. Oh that smile.
"Alright good luck charm wish me luck." Lucas said to me.
"Good luck cowboy." I smiled at him, he hugged me and ran onto the field for practice.
Emily, Mathew and i sat and talked about who was the better YouTuber: Tyler Oakley or Conner Franta.
   "Clearly it is Tyler!" Emily yelled at me.
"Clearly you don't know what the fu-"
I was cut off by someone screaming.

"Maya watch out!" I heard as i turned to see a football spiraling toward my face. i caught it and threw it back and turned back to Emily and Mathew.

  "As i was saying, you don't know what the fuck your talking about." I resumed my conversation with my friends.
   "I'll have to agree with Maya on this one." Mathew said as he scooted toward me. I put my arm around his neck.
   "Hell yeah, team awesome!" I smiled at Mathew and stuck my tongue out at Emily.
   "God your so immature..." She mumbled.

   "I know right" i smiled. And then we saw the other team walk onto the field.
Rumor has it that they are undefeated as well.
Hopefully we win.

*skipping game*

We won!

"You are the best good luck charm of all time!!!" Lucas yelled picking me up and spinning me around.
He put me down and looked at me.
"This calls for a movie marathon." He said.
"Your place this time." He said smiling.


"Yeah, let me go home and grab my bathing suit." I said. Lucas and Emily nodded.
Lucas and i walked to the car.
"Sing for me." Lucas randomly said.
"Lucas you have a radio for a reason."i stated rolling my eyes.
"Well yeah, but i like your voice better than all of those auto tuned people, and well... Riley can't really sing." He said i smiled but then frowned quickly at the mention of Riley's name because she held the key to Lucas's heart and not me.

"Fine." I said.
"Theres a side to you that i never knew never knew all the things you said they were never true never true all the games you played you would always win always winn and i set fire to the rain watch it burn as I touch your face" i sang softly.
   "Thank you" he said in a sing song tone.

I laughed a little bit and then waited in a comfortable silence till we reached the apartment building.
    "I'll come down when I'm ready." Lucas said.
   "Shower!" I called after him, he was sweaty and just... No.
  "I'll think about it." He yelled back jokingly.
   I rolled my eyes and realized, i still don't have a shirt! "Lucas!" I yelled poking my head out the window.
   "Yeah?Maya?" He asked.
"I need a shirt again." I said, as he tossed down a blue muscle tee.
"Thanks cowboy." I yelled as i made my way to my room to put on my bathing suit. I put on some shorts and the shirt that Lucas gave me and gathered my beach items. Well, not sunscreen because by now it was about 10:30.
   Going to the beach at night, it doesn't get any more tumblr than that.
    Lucas came down and we drove to the beach to meet up with Mathew and Emily to celebrate!
  "Lucas guess what.." I said.
"What?" He asked. As he parked the car.
  "Flashback Friday!!!" I yelled.
" i got a great grandson who's a ranger rick and a hop along and a sundance too! Woo." I sang as we got out of the car.
     "Maya, sweet, sweet Maya..." He said softly.
  "What?" I asked him with a raised eyebrow.
   "You'll see..." He said as he said weirdly and walked ahead of me.
    He was planning something.
I saw Mathew and Emily in the distance holding hands. Great, now i was the only one alone.
    "Hey babe." I heard Lucas say. He was on the phone with Riley.
   "Im at the beach with Maya, Mathew and Emily." He said.
   "Yeah, okay sure" he said.
"Maya, Riley wants to talk to you." Lucas said as he handed me his phone.
   "Hey riles" i said happily.
"Peaches.." I heard her perky voice come through the phone.
"Whats up?" I asked.
"Im moving." She said.
"What?!" I yelled startling Lucas. He turned to look at me but i turned around and walked in the opposite direction.
"Well, did you tell Lucas that?" I whisper yelled into the phone.
"I cant, Maya i love him!" She yelled at me.
" oh don't you yell at me, if you loved him you wouldn't lie to him Riley!" I yelled at her.
  "You don't understand me!" She yelled back.
   "Well i understand Lucas, and i know how much pain he would be in if you left him out of nowhere Riley!" I yelled into the phone.
   " and what would you know about someone leaving?!" She yelled and when i stayed quiet she said "maya thats not what i mean-" i hing up on her and took off Lucas's shirt and my shorts and i was left in my bikini. I went and sat down by the water, while everybody else was a little farther back.
    I thought that i got over it. I thought i didn't care about my dad anymore, but i don't understand why he would just leave me. And Riley. Are you seriously serious right now? Well i now have just one best friend.
    I was deep in my mind when i felt two arms wrap around my waist and pick me up. I turned around to see Lucas and then before i could even register what was going on i felt the cold water surround me.
  I resurfaced and  said two words that sent him running across the shoreline.

"Your dead."

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