The Twenty Seventh And Twenty Eigth Things I Never Told You.

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*Just so you guys know, they are in regular clothing. Jackson gave them all sweats and they all have undershirts*

Maya's P.O.V

Sometimes I miss the security I had in my relationship with Zach.
Didn't have to worry about him liking other girls.
With Lucas, I don't know. He sends so many mixed signals I wish he would just be strait forward and tell me how he feels so I can either move on or stay with him.

Because I'm not always gonna wait around.

And definitely not if it means being a second choice.

I get up from the couch and go to make some breakfast. One perk of having a mother who used to work in a diner, is I know how to cook. I started from scratch like I always do, mixed the flower in with the eggs.

"Whatcha making?" Zach asked walking up next to me.

"Breakfast for me." I said smirking.

"Ow. I'm offended, I think I might just shed a tear." He said wiping away an imaginary tear, and walking away.

   I grabbed his wrist and pulled him back over to me, laughing.

"Chill, I made you some too. I'm not that mean. There's enough batter for everyone." I said.

"Just making sure." He said laughing.

"So let's see how this tastes." He said, and before I could react he dipped his index finger into the pancake batter.

"Oh for fucks sake Zach!" I yelled whacking him in the chest with the batter covered wooden spoon.

Lucas's P.O.V•

"Oh for fucks sake Zach!" I hear Maya yell at him.

Shortly followed by Zach saying "I'm wounded!"
I rolled my eyes and looked down at my phone.

One new text:
Farkle: hey freak face, how's life?

Me: loosing the love of my life slowly, but how are you buddy?

Farkle: I've been fine but you clearly aren't. What's going on with Riley and you?

Me: There is no more Riley and I.

Farkle: what the hell happened?

Me: she showed her true colors, and I don't want my kids to have her as a role model.

Farkle: damn dude what'd she do?

Me: You remember Alaya Towns?

Farkle: I wish I could say no.

Me: Riley was the one that got her to bully Maya. Riley pulled Maya's hair, Riley is nothing but a bully and a fake. Oh and she's here right now.

Farkle: your lying. This isn't funny Lucas stop fucking with me man.

Farkle: not funny at all. It's a joke right?

Me: not a joke.

Farkle: oh my god, is Maya okay?

Me: she's fine. Just won't talk to anyone but Zach.

Farkle: they're really close, what'd you expect?

Me: for her to talk to me.

Farkle: after the whole kiss thing, yeah okay. That'll totally happen.

Me: how'd you know about that?!

Farkle: Maya tells me everything.

Me: oh, well I'll catch you later.

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