The Fourth Thing I Never Said

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You are going to get hurt, your going to get hurt and i can stop it. But now i have to decide whether my integrity or you is more important. I regret my decision.
"Your dead" i said as i trudged out of the water and ran after him, before you say anything... Yes, i know that i will never catch him, but luckily he tripped. I ran over to him and dragged him by his arm into the water he sprung up and resurfaced just to splash me in the face.
   After 30 minutes of an intense splash war, we git out if the salty water and dried off.
  "Lets leave them alone." Lucas said pointing behind us on the beach blanket, at Emily and Mathew making out.
  "Yeah, good idea" i chuckled.
"Lets go for a walk." He said suggestively.
"Alright." I said as he got up, he helped me up and i put on my shorts.
   "Alright lets go" i said.
"So... What were you and Riley talking about earlier" he asked, and i could tell that he was anxious for the answer.
Great, now what do i do?! Should i lie to him?! Or should i tell the truth? He deserves the truth but i don't want him to be hurt...

He needs to hear the truth....

"Uh, nothing really.. We just caught up and i asked about her time away and she said she misses us and how she loved you and.. Yeah."

Okaaay so i lied a little.

"Shes just so amazing, I'm lucky to have her." Lucas gushed.

"Yeah shes just great!" I said bitterly and forced.

"Before you know it Riley and I will be walking down the isle and you will be there right behind her looking beautiful in your maid if honor dress. And Riley and i will be married." He rambled on about the wedding that he planned out in his head.
   I couldn't help but feel guilty about not telling Lucas of all people the truth.
  "So Lucas, um about what i just said..." I started.
"Yeah, Maya?" He said.

Yeah i just cant lie to him.

"I lied, well not entirely.. I mean she did say she loves you which is why she couldn't tell you that..." I trailed off.
   "Tell me what Maya?" Lucas asked and i could tell that he was on edge.
"  i guess she likes it wherever she is and she told me shes moving and im sorry we got into an argument because i told her to tell you because you would be hurt and she said she couldn't tell you because she loves you and then she asked me what do i know about someone leaving and then i hung up." I finished and then took a deep breath and I don't think I could ever lie to Lucas ever again.
"She what?" He said softly.
"SHE WHAT?!" He screamed.
  "Shes leaving me?! When?! Why would she keep this from me? If she loved me she wouldn't leave without saying goodbye!" Lucas was ranting.
   I looked at him with fear in my eyes, this is not how I expected him to react. This is not the Lucas i knew.
   "I cant believe her!" He yelled as he turned to look at me. His eyes softened and he was silent.
    "Maya am I scaring you?" He asked.
"No, i mean, yeah a little bit, im just surprised. The last time I've seen you angry was in eighth grade when that guy was bullying Zay." I said calmly.
"Oh." He said softly.
He looked around and then bowed his head and spoke.

"But why would she leave me if i love her so much." He sounded like he was going to cry.

"Long distance will be terrible, when is she leaving?" He questioned.

"She didn't say." I said.

"She is coming back for a while right" he said.

"For a couple of days maybe to gather her stuff, but shes not coming back right now maybe in a couple of weeks?" I said, although the last part was more like a question.

"Lucas I'm going to ask you something and just please be honest with me..." He nodded. " are you okay?" I asked him.

" i thought i was but i guess not."
He said.
"Im not as perfect as everybody thinks and its hard to life up to what people want me to be." Lucas said truthfully.

"Lucas i can only give so much advice to you, listen... I don't expect you to be perfect because nobody is. You need to stop trying to please people and think about what makes you happy Lucas." I said.
   "Can you explain why you always know what to say?" Lucas said jokingly.

"I got it from you. now lets head back to the beach and get some sleep." I said chuckling.
  He began walking but turned around when he realized i wasn't following.
  "What are you waiting for?" He asked confused.
"Piggyback ride... Duh" i said.
He laughed and walked back to me and i jumped on his back.
   He walked back in the direction of the beach lit up with lanterns that i guess Emily and Mathew put up while we were gone. They were already asleep.
   And as soon as Lucas set me down, i fell asleep too, with one thing on my mind.


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