The Twenty First And Twenty Second Things I Never Said

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Well, i can only imagine how awkward things will be. Considering the fact that you don't feel the same way.

And If You do.... Just tell me. ......

We broke eye contact and i awkwardly cleared my throat.

"Well, i should uh.... Get going." I said going out the window. Wait, it's my house... Stupid, Stupid, Stupid.

"Maya, this is your house." Lucas said amused. He poked his head out the window and i blushed furiously.

And the award for the biggest dumbass goes to... Maya Hart!

"I totally knew that." I said crawling back in the window. I tripped but i caught myself.

I Slipped off my jacket and put it on the coat rack.

"So um, how did Riley handle the uh, news?" I asked as i awkwardly sat on my couch.

"Maya, things don't have to be awkward, It was just a kiss." Lucas said.

Well shit. Just a kiss? Thats all he thought of it? And im over here all messed up and stuff.

He must have seen the hurt in my face because he quickly recovered from his statement that was meant to be comforting.

"Wait, no thats not what i meant. I mean- Ugh" He was searching for the right words to say.

"No, it's cool. Ive been through this before, with Josh. I know when i'm not wanted." I said shaking my head. I got up and walked to my room.

"Bye Lucas." I said before i shut the door. As i did i slid down the door and just let my tears fall.

• Lucas's P.O.V•

I sat myself quietly in front of her bedroom door. Hearing her quiet sobs come through. I refrained from banging my head against the door.
I liked Maya, Maya liked me.
No problem right?
I don't wanna rush into anything like i did with Riley. The relationship was fake. There was no love it was all fake. I want something real with Maya. The timing just isn't right.
I just lied back and listened to her beat herself up over something that i did.
Then i got up and i left.
•Maya's P.O.V•
I sucked it up and dried my tears. Halloween traditions start in two hours so i need to get started now.
I was going to be an evil doll.
Firstly i teased my hair to make it look unkept then i put it into two ponytails. Then i put on an overall dress with striped red and white socks. Heavy black eye makeup and powder to make my face pale. Fake blood dripping off the corner of my lip and a black crack on my cheek. And a button eyed teddybear for an extra touch.
I checked the group chat.
Jackson: maya if you are reading this NO FAKE BLOOD.

Fried chicken: too late my friend too late.

Fried chicken: who changed my name to fried chicken. Zach I'm looking at you.

Zach: don't hate, participate.

Gimme dat chicken: zach what in the hell are you doing. See i knew i should've been in charge of chat names! CHANGE MY NAME BACK. What is up with you and your damn chicken.

Zach: well damn.

Jackson: damn indeed dear Zachary.

Maya: damn to the finest extent of damn.

Maya: are you guys here yet?

Jackson: we've been here for five minutes, you really think i would text and drive??😨i am shocked and hurt.

Maya: Whatever, come on up whenever.

And all that, plus a selfie for Instagram.. Took two hours. Now i was just waiting for Jackson to pick me up.
    The doorbell rings and i jump up. I basically run over to the door.

"Jackson, my man." I say to the giant teddy bear in front of my face. Literally, he was dressed as a teddy bear.
"Hart my woman." He replied.

We hugged and then walked out. We caught  up, talked about the future and whatnot, before we finally got to the car.
   "MAYA BAE." Zach screeched hopping out of passenger seat. I chuckled and shook my head. He was dressed as a baseball player. He hugged me full force, lifting me if the ground, it hurt but it was nice to know that he loved me, as a friend of course. He let me go and i dropped back down on my feet.
     I knew Lucas was here so i was mentally prepared to see him but i wasn't ready to see the next brunette.
Cool it maya, stop staring. Don't ruin the night for Zachary and Jackson.
I got in the back of the car next to her. She was next to Lucas.

    "Maya can you sit in between Riley and Lucas? I cant see out the back window, your the only one short enough, sorry." He said to me, i nodded and got out of the car with Riley.
        "Maya-" she began.
"Im not talking to you." I said before sliding back into the car.
"Sliding into your dm's like." Jackson said from the drivers seat. Voicing my actions.
"Oh my god your such an idiot jackson." I said rolling my eyes playfully. Riley got in and we drove off as i mentally prepared myself for a long night.

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