The Ninth And Tenth Things I Never Said

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   Hell, i'm doing fine, no problems here, Lucas. Im pissed at you right now, you have no idea. Ha, i sound bipolar as hell right now. But, in all seriousness i'm pissed right now. I don't want to talk even thoug i know we will be friends in the end.

I opened the hotel doors and went straight to the elevator. To be honest, i was beyond angry. But, hey, if i bottle my feelings up then i'll forget about them. So no harm done, right?

    As soon as i got into the hotel room i flopped down face first. I don't know how i feel about the whole situation, Riley not coming back... Farkle and Zay replacing Riley and Lucas...Lucas being an abusive drunk. Hold up a second- Lucas is proposing to Riley! I need to tell her about his drinking problem!

I reached for my phone in my back pocket.... huh, maybe i left it inside my bag? i reached for my bag on the side of the hotel bed and swiveled my hand around in there for a while, and then i realized that it wasn't there. I literally stuck my head in my book bag and searched for it. GAHH- where the hell is my phone?

   Okay, calm down Maya...think. I retraced my steps and realized where i left my phone. I got my old house keys and went on my way. The hotel wasn't so far from my apartment.

I walked the whole way it was pouring rain and i might as well go to the apartment to pack some new clothes for the rest of the week. i got into the building andwalked up the stairs sopping wet and pissed at myself. I get out my key and opened my door to see Lucas, Farkle, Riley, Josh, Zay, Missy, Billy and Smackle. I backed up and closed the door. I counted to ten and opened the door again. Still there.

"Hi guys" I said obviously confused.

"Looking for this?" Lucas said holding up my phone with a proud smirk.

"Why the hell do you have my phone?" i cringed. Mostly at Lucas himself but partly because of the amount of selfies Riley must has most likely taken by now.

"We need to talk." Lucas said.

"Is that supposed to explain why you stole my phone, made me walk in the rain and why everyone is in my apartment? If so, try again." I said to him, i walked over to my bedroom and began packing a duffle bag with clothing.

"Maya you can't just pretend like i don't exist." Lucas called from my living room. I threw my favorite shirt in the bag and walked out.

"I know you exist, that doesn't mean i'm happy about it." I said s i snatched my phone out of his hand.

"Oh, and thanks for telling me you were back in town, Riley." I said to her sarcastically as i picked up my keys on the shelf near the door.

"And why is Josh here?" I said.

"We all want you and Lucas to be friends again, because i don't want this to make things awkward." Riley said.

'You know whats awkward, Riley? You never being here and when you get here you don't even tell me. I mean not that it matters, it's not like we're best friends or anything, you know what else is awkward? TH fact that you uncle boing is here for no apparent reason and the fact that you brought smackle here. And why the fuck is Missy here?! I don't even like her." i yelled incredulous as to the stupid way that Riley chose to fix this.

"I'm leaving, now so if you don't mind i'll leave you guys to lock up when your done here." i said cooling down and opening the door.

"Maya wait." Farkle spoke up.

I turned around to look at him.

"You know i care about you. Right?" Farkle began.

"You always have." I said nodding. Farkle would never hurt me, he never has.

"Then please forgive Lucas, for me. He said he was sorry." Farkle begged.

"I didn't..." Lucas mumbled.

"You didn't what?" Farkle said.

"I didn't say sorry.." Lucas mumbled.

"Well say it dumbass" Billy commented. I chuckled at him and he smiled at me.

"I'm sorry Maya,I shouldn't have been drunk or hit you I'm sorry." Lucas said.

"Alrighty then." I smiled and ruffled his hair. I Went to the door and exited the apartment and went to the hotel to get my stuff, i never want to fight with Huckelberry ever again.

"Let me drive you." Billy said, exiting with me. I Smiled. "alright golden boy, to holiday inns we go." I said and followed him to his car, which was no doubt an awesome black sports car.

"Woah.." I said as Billy opened the door for me. On the drive there we caught up and talked about life, ya know.

"You got anybody special in your Life Maya?" He asked as he parked the car in the hotel parking lot.

I Thought of Lucas... "No..." I said to him. "How about you?" I asked him. "Me neither."

"What is it with us?" He asked.

"I dunno, but whatever it is, it doesn't want us happy. Were both lonely and weird." I said smiling a bit.

"Yeah... whats up with that" He said. Silence passed until we went upstairs to get all of my stuff.


Lucas oh Lucas there is only one thing i can say to express how happy i am that we are alright and that one ting is.....


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