The Fifteenth And Sixteenth Things I Never Said

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   I have a bad feeling about tonight for some reason Lucas, Im also kind of confused as to why you didn't stay with Riley.


*Lucas's P.O.V*

We all got out of Billy's car and began walking into the reunion. All eyes were on Maya. She walked with grace, but at the same time she looked badass. There was no bringing down Maya Hart.

She's beauty, She's grace, she'll Punch you in the face.

I turned and walked in the other direction, to my old teammates.

"Friar!" Jackson yelled. He was our best pitcher. It was his favorite time of the year, right near halloween. No wonder he was so happy.

"Jackson, my man." I said.

"You heard the news man? I'm getting drafted into Major Leagues!" Jackson said proudly.

"No way, holy shit. You made it man." I said to him. We all made small talk until we heard a screech coming from behind us.

*Maya's P.O.V*

  I let out a shriek as i felt cold water fall on my head, followed by the one and only wicked cackle of Alaya Towns.

I stood up and turned to her. I knew everybody was watching including Riley who just walked in.

I took the band i had around my arm and tied my hair out of my face. The music was long gone, nobody was talking. This felt like a scene out of a movie.

"Ah, look it's little Maya Hart. Still having daddy issues?" She cackled. Across the room i could hear Riley laughing as well.

"Okay, two can play that game" I mumbled under my breath.

"Still getting plastic surgery? Or was your silicon ass a one time thing?" I said smugly. Mathew from across the room yelled "Somebody call 911, a fake bitch just got seriously roasted!" I laughed quietly. (Every Fucking time Mathew XD)

*Lucas's P.O.V*

"She looks like she's about to kill her man." Billy said to me. I just stood still and watched the scene unfold. Alaya raised her left hand and made an attempt to smack Maya. Mays caught it with her right hand and then smacked Alaya with her Left hand. The people around them ohhhed and ahhhed. Alaya was trying to pull out of Mayas grip.

   Then Riley somehow thought that it was a good idea to come out of nowhere and pull Mayas hair. Maya smirked a little bit, but it wasn't you know a happy smirk it was more like an 'okay so you wanna fuck with me too?' type of smile. Maya let go of Alaya and Alaya fell. She turned to Riley and

Riley said "You whore!"

I was honestly shocked.

"Listen, if i wanted a bitch i would've bought a dog." Maya retorted faster than the speed of light.

"Iv'e been called worse." Riley said.

"Of course you have, anybody who knows the real you will find out that your a two faced, lying manipulating bitch you are." Maya said. Counting off the insults on her fingers, she was bored with the conversation.

"Oh, and i don't think you wanna brag about being called worse." Maya said.

"You really, should consider wearing more makeup." Riley spat.

"All the makeup in the world wont make you less insecure!"The next thing that happened really surprised everybody in the room.

Riley slapped Maya.

But of course, Maya being Maya laughed. She laughed and punched Riley straight in the face. Riley stumbled back and Maya walked away.

Like i said before, Shes beauty, shes grace, she'll punch you in the face.

She walked right over to me.

"Sorry shit had to happen like that, Lucas. It's just she's such a bitch and she erks me and then Riley, you know about that and i'm sorry." She rambled on.

"Maya it's fine. They deserved it." I said to her.

"Hart, you haven't changed." Jackson said to her, smirking.

She hugged him. " Jackson,Have not seen you in a long time." she said letting go of the hug.

"I'm surprised that you guys still remember my name its been, like eight years." Maya said surprised looking at my teammates.

"Trust me nobody here has forgot the Maya Hart." Commented Zach.

"Zachary!" Maya said, she hugged Zach. He laughed at her.

"Still badass i see." Zach said.

"You know it." Maya said putting up a peace sign.

"Whatever happened between you and Riley, you guys were practically sisters in highschool." Zach said.

Mays shrugged,"Fake people will be fake. Long story short, i found out that she's the one who got Alaya aka Little Bitch to bully me." Maya said shrugging off the hurt that was evident on her face.

"Fake people will be fake..." She mumbled again.

"I hear that." Jackson said, lifting up a glass of punch.

"We should all hang out one day, Maya included." Zach said. I nodded.

   Maya smiled and nodded, well huckelberry im gonna go find Mathew. Bye guys." Maya said.

"Huckelberry?" Jackson laughed and shook his head.

"Dude you like her." Zach said.

"And what makes you think that?" I said.

"Dude face it, you wouldn't let her push you around like that if you didn't like her." Jackson said.

"He's got a point." Zach said.

"She does not push me aro-" I was cut off.

"Lucas!" I heard Maya call for me.

Jackson and Zach gave me a look that said 'surrrre she doesn't'

"I'm marrying Riley." I said as i walked off to find Maya.

"He's Clueless." I Heard Zach say to Jackson before i was out of earshot.


Your such a huckelberry, huckelberry. I really wish you would just dump Riley on her ass already but i guess, good things come with patience.


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