The Thirteenth And Fourteenth Things I Never Said

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Today was my date with Billy, I wasn't all that nervous. We were ourselves around each other. What i was really nervous about was that my JQA was having a reunion today too. Why am i nervous you might ponder? Well it' a simple two words. Alaya Towns. Little bitch, i mean calling her that was more then appropriate. She was not so much of a bully, more like and obnoxious bimbo who took every chance she got to talk about me. She was Riley's friend so i never said anything but now, now i don't really give a fuck.

Today's schedule was jam- packed, first it was Billy and i's date. He called and said he would pick me up at four p.m, and then he would drive me to my apartment so i could get ready for the reunion that began at seven and ended at twelve.

It was currently 1:00 p.m, yes i woke up at one o' clock p.m, thanks to Zay and his damn snoring not to mention Riley talking in her sleep, just like farkle, and then there was Lucas who constantly got up and moved around doing god knows what. Hell, he could have been planting bombs or axe murdering someone but i didn't care i craved sleep and refused to open my eyes.

I got up from my position on the chair. Everyone had probably left earlier. I walked to the bathroom to get ready, i took a shower and washed my hair with a a shampoo that smelled like green apples, my all time favorite smell. I got out and wrapped a towel around myself and walked to the living room to get my phone, when lucas came in through the window. I spun around with my back facing him.

"well, you certainly have a habit of walking in on me half naked." I said.

"Sorry about that." he said taking a seat.

"Yeah, yeah i got used to it by now." i said as i checked my instagram, watter from my har dripping onto the surface.

"You going to the reunion?" Lucas asked as he turned spongebob on. He was singing the beginning of the campfire song quietly, swaying his head from side to side.

"Yep, weirdo." I said.

"Excuse me young lady i will have you know that i will never be too young for spongebob." He replied sassily.


"No." I replied.

"OUR C-A-MP-F-I-R-E- S-O-N-G SONG!" He yelled.

" S-H-U-T T-H-E F-U-C-K UP!" i yelled back as a reply.

"Maya your being a tard, stop it." he complained.

"You are the tard in this relationship, kind sir." I said.
"I have to go change now so, dont go in my room pleeasse." I called back at him as i was walking away.

  I walked into my room and picked out o black flowy crop top and light blue ripped skinny jeans, i wore black vans. I put on my undergarments and then put on the outfit. I dryed my hair and curled it loosely.

I did light make up, mascara, lip balm. I took my wallet and my small backpack. And went back to the living room.

*Lucas's P.O.V*

I turned around and saw Maya walking over to me. Thats the thing about Maya, she didn't need to wear a dress or cake on make up to look beautiful. She just had natural beauty, and thats what kills me. Maybe i shouldn't marry Riley...

  But, Maya likes Billy. Billy, we used to be good friends but then he bullied Farkle and i guess thats when everything fell apart. And now he's dating Maya. He is taking her away from me.

"Huckelberry..." Maya said waving her small hand in front of my face, her nails painted black, as they always were.

"Huh, what? Yeah.." I mentally face-palmed the shit out of myself.

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