The Twenty Ninth And Thirtieth Things I Never Said

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Maya's P.O.V

After storming out like that I felt bad. Not because i said things i didn't mean, it was actually the opposite.

I was mad because i meant it, because i could be that hateful toward another person, especially when that person is Riley..

It's times like this i think back to Middle School, when everything was simplistic and sweet, when Riley and I hardly fought...

When i never took off that friendship ring.

How did she expect me to let it go just like that, I almost killed myself for gods sake. But she doesn't care about that does she?

We were best friends.

But things change.

Riley's P.O.V

Things have changed.

I have changed.

I've grown to hate who i've become, a jealous violent whore. Who am i when i don't know myself?

After Maya stormed out the house has been quiet, i was staring at a blank wall holding the ring Maya threw. Zach and Jason haven't moved from the kitchen, Lucas hasn't looked up from his phone. Nobody will even look at me, or talk to me.

I began sobbing uncontrollably again, what have i done, what have i done?! I hit me head against the couch i was sitting behind, the one that Lucas was sitting on.

"what have i done?" I cried and Lucas said nothing.

"Why wont you say anything! Anything, you're just gonna watch me?!" I screamed. I kicked the back of the couch and Lucas just walked away.

"I need to get out of here..." He mumbled.

"Jackson I'll be at the park!" He called into the kitchen before letting himself out.

"please..." I sobbed.

~I'm watching, I'm waiting, I'm aching, suffocating, I'm breathing, I'm speaking, Can you hear me I'm screaming!~

I don't know what to do without her.

I let my shoulders shake, hoping that by doing that i would shake off some of the pain. But it's no use.

"God, i hate this. I hate this! Why wont anybody hear me!" I screamed.

~Sick of the lack of signal, sick of the lack of touch, Sick of the static voice.
It's not enough, it's not enough. Baby it's hard to be just what you need when all I speak is static screams.Can you hear me?~

I called the one friend i have left, one who doesn't know what I've done.

"Farkle?" I ask into the phone, with a weak voice.

"What do you want Riley" He asked me quite rudely.

"Whats wrong Farkle?" I ask silently praying that he hasn't been told what iv'e done.

"Don't play dumb with my Riley, I know exactly what you've done! How could you?" He asked me, yelling through the phone.

"Farkle please..." I begged into the phone.

"Goodbye Riley. Have fun without your friends." Farkle said before hanging up.

I threw my phone across the room.

"God, i'm a terrible person!" I screamed.

"I might as well leave now." I mumbled to myself, walking a long distance across central park to my house.

The leaves were still falling.

I noticed a blonde girl sitting on the nearest park bench with someone's arm around her.

It was Maya... and Lucas.

"Maya! Please just listen to me." I said walking up to her.

She shook her head and burred her head in the crook of Lucas's neck.

"Maya please..." My voice cracked and it was then that she turned to look at me.

Maya's P.O.V

Lucas and i were sitting in the park, he came after me. I asked him why and he said not to worry about it.

We were just sitting there when Lucas had told me how he felt.

"Maya i love you, and i'm so sorry. God, I'm so sorry Maya- It wasn't just a kiss. Maya i love you." He said grabbing my shoulders and turning to face him, he grabbed my face and stared into my eyes.

Just like the campfire.

But this time he leaned in and kissed me.

I smiled into the kiss.

"I love you too Lucas, I've loved you for so long." I said quietly when we pulled away.

He smiled at me and put his arm around my shoulder.

Everything was fine until-

"Maya! Please just listen to me." She called from behind me. I shook my head slightly and buried my head in the crook of Lucas's neck.

"Maya please..." She said, her voice weak.

I turned my head to look at her.

She's so fucking lucky i care about her.

"Have- have you been crying?" I asked her stuttering.

"Yeah..." She sniffled.

"But that's besides the point, the point is I'm sorry. I was wrong to tell you to get over it, It's all my fault Maya..." She sniffled, letting a tear fall.

And despite all she did, all she said.... It broke my heart to see her like this.

I turned to look at Lucas, for his approval... For him to tell me i could forgive her.

If he loves me, than he wants the best for me, If he can forgive her then so can I.

"Go ahead." He said sighing, i know he wasn't one hundred percent on it but he gave approval.

"Come here Riles." I said exhaling. I stood up and she ran into my arms.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry" She repeated over and over crying into my shoulder.

"Shhh, Riles I forgive you." I said stroking her hair trying to calm her down.

"I don't deserve you peaches..." She whispered calming down.

She pulled away from the hug and looked at Lucas.

"I'm sorry Lucas." She said.

"You don't have to apologize to me, i'm mad because you treated Maya like shit, and she deserved better. And since your already crying, I don't forgive you, i have my eye on you and the next time you hurt Maya will be the last. I will make sure you wont get anywhere near me or her, the next time you pull some crap like that. Got it?" Lucas said.

I turned to him surprised, that he stood up for me like that.

"Got it." Riley said.

"Good." He said before looking at me and smiling. I smiled back at him.

"Now give me my ring!" I said to Riley as she chuckled.

She placed the ring on my finger and smiled pulling me back into the hug.

Love you guys sfm❤️

And also thx for everyone who even cares about the last chapter I love you guys too.
Oh and by the way anything with the ~~~~ around it is a song lyric that explains Riley's feelings so yeah.

Love you guys!

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