The Eleventh And Twelfth Thing I Never Said

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  I forgave you, i didn't forget so don't expect things to go back exactly to how they were. I should have just stormed out of my apartment, but instead i forgave you like a fool. Oh well, theres no going back.


Billy drove me back to the apartment after he helped me carry my stuff into his black sports car. He parked the car ans jogged around to my side to open the door for me.

  "What a gentleman" i said smiling as i got out of the car. He closed the door and began to pick up my stuff.

"No, no it's fine i got it." I smiled and picked up one of my bags, and almost fell over. I braced myself  for impact, but it never came. I felt hands on my waist and i immediately blushed.

"Doesn't look like you got it Hart." Billy chuckled, with an amused face.

"Harty har har, very funny Ross." i said looking up at him. Once he got me standing straight we both got my bags and started walking to the entrance of the building. I was dieing carrying these bags, why were they so heavy.

"Funny, i dont remember packing bricks." I said jokingly.

"They are not that heavy, c'mon hart, what happened to the tough little rebel that i used to know back in middle school?" Billy said to me.

"I have no idea, Ross, in my defense your not the same as you were either." I said.

"Would you say i changed for the better?" He asked, smiling.

"Hell yeah, i mean the old Billy would have never opened a door for me. I like you better now" I said.

   He smiled down at me as we continued our walk.

"You didn't grow." He said chuckling.

"Hey i will have you know that i am a full five feet of pure awesomeness, you giant." i said defending my height as i looked up at him, basically defeating the point.

"Hey, it's a good thing. I like short girls." Billy said, making me blush.

"Listen Maya, would you like to hang out tomorrow maybe?" He said stopping in front of the building.

"I would absolutely love to." I said smiling up at him.

"Awesome, well goodnight." He said smiling at me.

"Goodnight Ross." I said to him as i walked through the entrance and into the elevator. All i was capable of thinking about was what to wear for tomorrow. I unlocked the door to my apartment and walked in and all the lights were off. I closed my eyes turned on the light and slid down the door with a smile on my face.

"Why so smiley Maya." Farkle said out of no where.

   I jerked up from the floor with my eyes wide open, to see everyone still there.

"What the hell, i thought you guys left!" I yelled in surprise.

"We're sleeping over duh." Zay said with a duh face.

  And as if on cue Lucas came down the fire escape with like five blankets and four pillows and couch cushions. He threw everything through the window and then came in.

"Yeah, okay." I said not even protesting.

"wait, then let me text Billy."


Rebel Hart = Maya

Golden Boy = Billy

Rebel Hart: Billeh, everyone stayed so if you wanna come back we are all sleeping over so yeah. (a/n i really wanted to spell his name like that XD)

Golden Boy: I walked all this way, but i'll come back anything for you. See you there.

  I smiled at the text.

"Ohh, i see whats going on." Missy said in a sing song way.

"Somebody Likes-" I cut her off.







"And so what if i do?" I said bushing a little.

"then you must date." Missy said clapping her hands together.

"He asked me out already we are going out tomorrow." I said, lowly.

   At that moment Billy walked through the door.

"Heyy Hart." He said walking up behind me.

  I turned around.

"Golden boy." I said smiling, since the couch was occupied pretty much, i let Billy sit on the the recliner. And just when i was about to sit on the floor Billy spoke up.

"Don't sit on the floor, Maya come here." He said patting the small space next to him, i ended up sitting between his legs anyway.

"Movies, what movie do you guys want to watch." Riley suggested, i was kind of mad at her.

"The notebook." Missy suggested.

"Maya?" Missy asked.

"It's cool with me." I said shrugging, laying my head back on Billy's chest.

Riley got up and went to turn off the lights, as Lucas tossed around blankets and pillows, i took one a blanket and layed it over the both of us. Zay Farkle and Missy built a fort out of the couch cushions and blankets ans Lucas and Riley were snuggled up together, Lucas was looking over at me and i gave him a quick weak smile.

Zay pressed play. (A/N That Rhyme was totally unintentional XD)

Toward the through the movie Billy was playing with my hair, i started to tear up, yeah this was a sad part.

"This is funny." Riley said.

"Riley we are watching the notebook, Noah and Allie just died. How is this funny?" I said crying a little.

"You and Billy, your acting like a couple already, and you dont even realize." Riley said amazed.

  Billy stopped playing with my hair for a split second and though about what Riley just said, i guess. But then we both shrugged and he resumed his actions, as i resumed crying about the movie.

"wow." Riley said.

"So what do you guys want to do next?" Lucas asked us.

Farkle replied.

"Lets play truth our dare."

.*Lucas's P.O.V*.

I looked over at Maya and Billy. I remember when  he bullied Farkle, what does she see in him? What does he have that i don't? Woah- What the hell am i thinking, Maya is just a friend. Beside i'm going to marry Riley. Thats how things should be. I love Her and She loves me and thats all that matters. But, why does Maya like him? What if she ends up loving him, what if i loose her to him?

Am i jealous?


I still didn't forget, but i guess we are okay i'm just afraid that things wont be the same. I like Billy now, Maybe even more than i like you. But we will always be friends, no matter what. Your marrying Riley anyway. Lets just play some truth or dare!

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