The Fifth Thing I Never Said

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Lucas, oh how you don't know. Even though you're with Riley, I still love you so.
And it scares me how you've been drinking every night, because what I told you made you want to die.
•three weeks later•

There was still no Riley, and Lucas couldn't handle it. He started drinking about two weeks ago and it was scary, to say the least.
I could hear him crying through the ceiling of my apartment. But thats not what scared me.
I was afraid of the cuss words that left his mouth in a vigorous and angry way. Scared of the bottles smashing and the smell of alcohol that followed him wherever he went.

I was scared that i would loose him.

•Lucas's P.O.V•
Riley she, shes gonna leave soon so I've been drinking a lot lately. Maya hasn't been around so much lately. I hope I'm not scaring her because i cant loose her too.
   Riley is the love of my life, my first love and now she wants to leave. And she wasn't even going to tell me. "God dammit!" I yelled as i threw another beer bottle on the floor.
Maya's P.O.V•
    Another bottle of whatever he was drinking hit the floor. I have to go up there to check on him.
   I climbed the fire escape to see what was going on.
   "Lucas are you all ri-" i was cut off by Lucas pushing me toward the wall.
  "Lucas what are you doing?!" I yelled, nervous.
    "Its your fault!" He yelled and slapped me straight across my face, i felt the sting of his display of hatred.
    "What..." I said quietly and close to tears.
   "Its all your fault that shes leaving me!" He yelled at me. Slapping me again.

"Lucas you don't mean that your just drunk and angry." I said calmly.
   I wanted to cry so bad but i cant and i wont.
   He brought his hand up to punch me this time so i had to fight back, he would seriously hurt me.
   I kneed him in the... Jewels  and i ran out of his door this time i ran down a flight and into my apartment and locked my three windows near the fire escape. I locked my door and then for extra precautions i locked myself in my room.
    I cant believe he just.... Hit me. I called the only people i knew that could help me.

"Hello?" He said.
"Hi, Farkle it's Maya." I said.
"Maya? It's you? Wow i haven't talked to you in two years, how is everything?" He said.
"Not so good at the moment. Lucas... He's drunk and angry and I locked myself in my room because he hit me and I'm scared... I need your help." I said to him.
" wow okay... Alright." He said stunned.
"Im on my way just hold tight and stay where you are." He said.
"Okay,bye Farkle." I said to him.
   He hung up and i called Zay.
     "Zay, hi Lucas is drunk and he's acting crazy and he'll listen to you hopefully." I said.
   "Alright I'm on my way." He said shortly before he hung up.
   I sat tight in my room for five minutes until i heard a pound on my window.
    "Maya open this fucking window right now." Lucas yelled. I recognize his voice.

"You worthless piece of shit! Open up!!" He yelled through the window.

He doesn't mean it Maya. He's just upset that Riley is gone and he's drunk.

He doesn't mean it.

   After a while i got up from the corner the corner that i was curled up in, to go check my face, where Lucas had slapped me.
   There were red swollen hand prints there and i just wanted to cry so bad but i wont, i wont cry.

"Maya its me, Farkle." Farkle said through the door.
I got up to unlock the door, and on my way through the window i could see Zay trying to calm Lucas down but once Lucas saw me he jumped up and lunged at the window.
   I jumped back and ran to the door faster to let Farkle in.
   I opened the door and pulled Farkle into a hug.
   I couldn't help it, i started crying into his shoulder.
   "Shhhh, its okay let me see your face." He said soothingly and he closed and locked the door behind him.
   I pulled  back and let him see my face, his eyes widened in horror and anger.
   "He hit you twice?! He- i can't believe him!" Farkle yelled.
    "He said it was my fault that Riley was leaving and then he slapped me twice and he was about to punch me but I kneed him and ran down here and- and-" i started choking up.

Farkle pulled me back into a hug again.

I cannot believe that Lucas hurt me.

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