Chapter 11

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Percy comforted me, trying to cheer me up with a joke but I was trying to process the feeling of having him back. It felt so surreal, that I finally had what I wanted. 

"I know we are back together but lets keep it a secret and see if it works out ok Pris?"

"Yes sure thang." I shot back, not really paying attention to Percy's words.

The very next day I met up with my friends with a wide smile glued on to my face. Lets just say that it didn't take much to guess that I was very very happy. When I finally managed to get the smile off my face I hugged my friends and told them about Percy and I getting back together. All of them were beyond happy for me and congratulated me. They even teased me saying that he was the only one who would ever put up with my torture. After some time I headed down to KFC to meet Percy only to be greeted by his stormy face.

"I told you to keep it in between us."

"But they're my best friends?! Wait.. How did you know?"

"Val told me.."

"Oh so you guys still text, huh? You must be pretty close!" I shot back, sarcastically.

"Look here, Pris. I am not here to fight with you. I can't even trust you with one thing how am I going to trust you in a long run? Nah what was I thinking. We can't do this. Sorry for pulling you back. I don't think that I can put up with you."

I felt betrayed. What was this guy made of? Did he have a heart? Was this his idea of some kind of sick joke because I honestly wanted to do nothing more than to hide under a rock and never come out. What have I turned the guy I loved into? I have created a monster... A cruel, heartless and selfish monster.

"Yea you know what. Stay away Percy. Don't you dare play with my feelings one more time. Guess what. You're deleted, officially. This time I mean it I swear. Good bye for good." I spat out, with the best poker face I could give, trying to control my tears. I felt the back of my eye stinging. No, I am not going to cry. I am not going to give this monster an opportunity to see me hurt.

I stood up and stormed off, not looking back. As soon as I got home, I took a long shower, letting my mind go loose. Was Percy actually falling for Val? I wouldn't blame him if he did. Why was Val texting Percy still? Well yea I said it was ok, but no she was meant to know that it wasn't ok at all. She was supposed to be my friend. I thought about the time when I snooped around with Val's phone when she went to get me a drink. 

The angel inside of me forced me to put the phone back but the devil won. I started scrolling through her messages with Percy and saw one from Percy saying, " Yeah I kinda like you." and before I could get any further, I noticed Val walking back so I put her phone away. Ever since then I've tried to shrug it off but it kept haunting me. I convinced myself that it was nothing but maybe there was something there. Something that I obviously failed to realise.

 He liked her. 

The guy I was, and am madly in love with fancies my best friend,who actually flirts back with him. Can life get any worse?


I'm just starting out and would be more than glad to receive feedbacks/comments guys so please feel free to leave some, and please vote/share for this story if you like it. Thank you so very much. Have a great day :)


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