Chapter 9

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''Cause you are the piece of me I wish I didn't need

Chasing relentlessly, still fight and I don't know whyIf our love is tragedy, why are you my remedy?If our love's insanity, why are you my clarity?''

The radio blared behind me on the way to school. I didn't need him. He was no good for me. I am happy. I am happy. I am happy. I unsuccessfully tried to convince myself, getting all choked up. The song on the radio wasn't exactly helping either. 

I met up with my usual clique at the cafeteria and walked to class with them. In class, Valentina sat beside me and talked to me about Percy. She was my friend but not one who shared things with me, therefore I didn't share things with her too, but I really needed a listening ear so I told Valentina how I've made the worst mistake ever, and how I could love nobody the way I loved him. She understood me, and comforted me adeptly. 

My friends and I decided to hang out at the shopping mall after school since it was almost the last day of school and I was in for it. Anything to get my mind off Percy. Hanging out with them after what felt like ages felt really comforting. These guys were my best friends. I almost forgot how fun it was with them up till then. For the first time in weeks, I smiled genuinely. Time would heal my scars right. I hoped that it would get better. After so much fun, I headed home but as soon as I stepped into my room, loneliness hit me and Percy began to creep into my mind habitually. I tried to shun him off but to no avail. At last, I gave up and called Percy again. This time things were different. Just when you think that things can't get any worse, life shows you who the real controller of your life is. 

Percy picked up on the first ring. My heart was racing, pounding fiercely within my chest. 

"Hi Percy, please do not hang up on me, I have to say something."

"What for? To break my heart into even tinier pieces than they already are? Do I look like a toy to you huh? To use me when you want me and throw me away when you're done. You didn't even give me a chance to explain things on my part. You walked off as though I owe you everything in this relationship. I have feelings too. I tried to call you, and text you but you blocked me off everything. Why? Is it wrong to have ups and downs in a relationship? Because I always thought that it was normal. I don't have the strength to give my all to you yet again, only to be treated like trash in the end. Just leave me for good and don't bother me please I beg you."

"But Percy, don't you love me anymore? Have you forgotten what we shared. Have you forgotten everything?" I asked, all misty eyed.

"Yes Pris. It's over, thats what you wanted. Forget me, and I'll forget you. Good bye." with that, he hung up.

I threw myself onto the bed and started wailing uncontrollably. What have I done. I've lost it, officially. Its over. I need to move on. I need to start over.

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