Chapter 14

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Soon after, I met up with the rest of my clique. I hugged them, almost bursting with happiness. It been agggges. We were caught up with our own things and time was passing almost too quickly, when Valentina made a weird, scratching sound against the wall. 

"If you guys look around you'll notice that most people are gone. That is because its almost 1 A.M. I reckon we should get together and play a game of truth and dare now, whaddya say?"

Everyone, including me, nodded in agreement. I loved that game. There was my clique, and Val's other clique left. We introduced ourselves, and when it was my turn, I noticed the tall guy smiling at me. I shot a polite smile back. Finally it was his turn. "My name is Samuel," he said, catching my eye. 

What is with this guy? Did I look that weird, because I definitely didn't look that amazing beside all these girls at the party.. We sat down, playing truth or dare and finally it landed on Samuel.

"If you could date one person in this room, who would you date?" asked Valentina, eyeing Samuel suspiciously.

"That's easy. I would date you, Val." he said, as we all laughed together. I felt a tinge of relieve. Maybe I was just overthinking. And then it was my turn and I picked a dare. Guess who ended up eating some grass? And lets just say that it doesn't taste very good. It was 3 A.M. and I started yawning. Its been a while since I had this much fun. I loved today. We started saying our good byes and I hugged my girls before heading out of the door.

I heard a deep voice.


I spun around, looking at Samuel. 

"Erm Hi! You know Val's birthday is coming up soon and I was thinking. Do you guys want to join us in planning for her birthday? Here's my number, text me if you're up for it," he said,and turning away quickly.

"Yes I would love to!" I yelled back, as he was almost gone, but he turned around and nodded at me with a faint smile.

I made my way back home, and washed up. Everyone were asleep, but I wasn't tired. I was too excited to be tired. This is the beginning of my new journey. This is the beginning of freedom. I got into bed, just as I remembered Samuel. I texted the rest of the clique and got their consent before texting Samuel.

"Hey, Priscilla here. Just dropping you a text, so that you can fill me in on any plans you guys have d so far."

"Oh hey. Nah, we're just thinking still. Maybe beach? Val loves going to the beach. Do you want to go check it out tomorrow ?"

"You sure do know a lot about her don't you."


"Yes I would love to. What time do you want to meet? I'll be with my clique, and you bring yours too."

"Yes sure. How about 10 A.M. at the bus stop?"

"Sure! See ya."

I immediately texted the rest of my clique in our group chat.


PRIS : Hi guys, Samuel - the guy from the party texted me about some plans for Val's birthday. He was thinking beach.. Do you guys wanna go check it out tomorrow? 

SOPH: We know Samuel alright. Haha I would love to but my sister's birthday is tomorrow remember. I promised to take her out. Sorry Pris!

LAYLA: Yessssss beach! I'll join you there in the afternoon, I've got a job interview at 11 A.M.

PRIS : It's alright Soph, have fun! Yay, right Layla. I'll see you there then. 

ARIEL : Ok I'll meet you at your bus stop at 10!

PRIS : Yes. Gotta love you! Ok nights girls! Much love.

SOPH : nights

LAYLA : G'night

ARIEL : sweet dreams

I put my phone away and immediately dozed off, for someone who wasn't tired. I woke up to the sound of my blaring alarm. 9.30 A.M. I jumped off my bed and took a quick shower and got into a mini shorts and loose grey cotton shirt. I texted Ariel and waited for a long time before she replied, at 9.56 A.M. , "I am so sorry, I just got up. You guys go ahead, I'll meet you later." 

I rolled my eyes, well aware that she wouldn't be able to see it anyway. This girl gave life to the word 'late'. She was never punctual for anything. I doubt she would be punctual, even for her own wedding. I walked down to the bus stop and saw Samuel there, all alone. 

"Hey Samuel, where's the rest of your clique?"

"Bailed on me. What about yours?"

"You could say the same," I giggled.

It was awkward at first but soon we started to talk about the weirdest things. A strange question popped into my mind, and without thinking, I blurted it out loud.

"Do you like Val? Not just as a friend."

Samuel looked at me, and his eyes softened. "I don't know why it feels like I can tell you anything. Yes..I did but not anymore. It was hard not to like someone like Val but I didn't want to ruin what we had. I'm over it, she's just my best friend now, " he said.

I just nodded, not knowing what else to say. 

"What about you? You must be dating someone right. Well look at you!" he exclaimed.

I giggled, not really knowing why, and I told him about Percy, because he trusted me enough to tell me about his feelings for Val. Samuel listened to everything I had to say, and said, "well his loss then." 

I smiled, but it didn't reach my eyes. Was it really his loss? Why did it, and does it still feel like mine then?

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