Walk my way, Mrs. All American

22 1 3

a/n Hey everyone I'm so sorry for the wait but we had a bit of writers block sorry!!

Calums pov

Today ash and I are going to the beach to have a chill guys day.

I mean he is my best mate and all.

"kaity and claire are so cute if you know what I mean like ugh their friendship goals"

wait did I seriously just say that to Ashton

"yeah mate their really cute I mean don't you just want to kiss them"


"let's head out cal"


I run out to the car and I put in the gps the address for Daytona beach.

Ashton plugs his phone in and we're listening to atl (all time low) until his phone starts to ring on Bluetooth

"hey baby" ash says as I see the caller ID that says Baby😍 and fangirl over how cute they are

"hey ash"

"what do you need?"

"well kt and I are going out and we were wondering if we could ask cal a q and slay?"

"babe what kind of slang is that"

"Tyler Oakley hon"

"kk thanks baby"

"no problem" we hear kt shout from the backround.

"Calums on what's your q and slay" ash says while winking to cal

"could we please hang out with you guys today? oh and ash were asking you too" kaity says

"sure" ash and I say at the same time

"Baby can I talk to you alone for a sec"


"babe I just want you to know that I love you "

"ash your so cheesy"

"I know sorry"

"it's okay your cute so it works"

"thanks but I'm not sure I win the cute award you obviously do babe"

"no way but ashy where do you want to meet"

"in my room"


"I was joking sweetpea"

"don't call me a pea"

"I miss you"

"I miss you like blink 182" Claire and calum  say at the SAME TIME wait why is calum saying that

"I can totally see why your my girlfriend and my best friend"

"HEYYY" calum shouts and looks sad until I hug him over the car council. is he hearing this?

" no actually what about Panda Express?"

"totally see us there in 10"

I get off the phone and go to plug it into Bluetooth when I actually realize that CALUM HEARD MY CONVERSATION!!

"your room huh ash"

"stop it calum it's not like I wanna see you and kaity making out on the couch every 5 seconds!"

My cheeks flush red and i check my phone only to see a text from kaity while Ashton is sitting there with a satisfied smirk.

"sorry ash I was joking"

"I know little embarrassed cal pal"

"don't call me little I'm taller than you"

"sorry" he says while I laugh and smile at him.

I never realized it but ashton is a little ray of sunshine im so happy to have someone like him by my side all the time. (even if I'm lashton af.)

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