"You relocated form NY a month ago!"

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                            Chapter 2

Claire's POV-

As Ashton and I were pulling up to my destination we talked about our family lives. I told him that I'm here to see my mom that I haven't seen in a while because i lived with my dad back in America.

He even told me that he has 2 siblings, a little sister named Lauren and a little sister named Harry. I told him that my last name was Hemmings which I guess wasn't a good idea? because the reaction I got out of that was him staring at me with wide eyes.

Ok yeah. My name may be Claire Hemmings but I'm not related to Luke. So I think. Ashton and I finally arrived to this really pretty house. And then I see Luke Hemmings walk right out of the large burgundy door. Oh no.

"Hi Claire welcome home" Luke said walking up me to as I just stood in the middle of the drive way.

"What?" I stared at him confused as hell.

"You're my sister.. duh" he smiled with hope.

"Oh okay? um.." I said not knowing even what to say.

"MOM" Luke screams.

Liz comes out and greets me "Hi honey I'm guessing your really confused"

"Yeah pretty much" I slowly start to say.

"Well your father left Luke and I by ourselves in Australia to American and took you. Then we found your Twitter account and saw that you were living in New York. Then we bought you a plane ticket and said it was work so we could get in contact with you" She explained.

"Thanks. A lot." I smiled.

Luke and Ashton seemed to be singing a very familiar song. Amnesia...

Then out of the blue Luke ran up to me and hugged me. Um okay?

I didn't realize how much Luke and i looked alike.

"Liz?" I asked getting her attention

"Yes honey" she smiled back at me.

"Are me and Luke twins?" I asked.

"Your sure are!" she, again, smiled.
"Awesome! Explains why we look alike so much" I laughed.

"Ok well I'm guessing you must be starving! I'm gonna go make some lunch, Okay? Do you like BBQ?" she asked heading towards the front door.

"Love it!" I said as my stomach grumbled.

"Luke!" I called him over to me as Liz went inside leaving me standing there alone.

"Yeah Claire" he said jogging over to me.

"WERE TWINS" I screamed smiling

he chuckled, "I know!!"

These few moments were very crazy, I need to tell someone...

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