Its not like we planned this getting out of hand

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Michael's POV- (didn't see that coming did you?)

"We have now landed in Florida. Enjoy and thanks for flying Delta" the captain said on the overcom

I swear I've never been so excited in my life. Okay wait scratch that I've been excited for plenty of other things too but that's not the point.

As I was in my own little train of thought Kaity and Calum started shaking me telling me to get up cause we had to catch a ride to the hotel that was in Disney apparently.

Once we got out of the plane and into the airport I saw some people wearing a 5SOS shirt and asked for a picture and of course being me and the boys we all said yes. Cause we love our fans.
"Michael can I have a picture with you?" I heard a small voice behind me.
"Of course--" I said as I turned around to see Kaity
"Well can I have a picture or not bro" she said
"No. go get a picture with your boyfriend" I said jokingly
"I already did. And Luke and Ashton" she said in a sassy tone
"Fine come here stupid" I said dropping my arm around my little sister
"YAYY! Claire take the picture!" She said handing her best friend her iPhone 5c
"Smillllllle!" Claire said
"I CANT BELIEVE I GOT A PICTURE WITH THE MICHAEL CLIFFORD!!!" Kaity squealed going to go sit down.
"Wow and I'm related to her" I laughed

Kaity's POV-
As I looked at the picture I saw Calum photobombing us. I laughed. He's so weird

"What are you laughing at?" A Scottish/kiwi/Australian voice behind me (try and say that 10 times fast)
"Your a photobomber" I turned around
"Oops didn't see you were talking a picture" he lied
"You're a terrible liar" I laughed
"Eh" he said putting his arm around me
"So what did you want to do when we get to the hotel?" I asked
Calum turned to me with a smirk "I know what we could do" he winked
"Ew you dirty boy" I said.
"You asked" he laughed
"but really I want to go swimming" I said already imagining me in the pool
"Oooooo yesss! You would look hot in a bikini" he said winking once more (A/N wow that creeped me out)
"And you would look hot shirtless like oh my god" I said telling the truth
"I know I've been working out" he flexed
"What is with you today?" I laughed "normally Mikey is the weird one"
"I don't know. Jet legged? But whatever" he said

*once we got settled into the rooms*
(still Kaity's POV)

"LETS GO TO THE POOL!!" I screamed grabbing Calum's hand and dragging him to the door.
"Babe... BAbe.... BABE!!!" I heard Calum yell
"Whaaaaat now?" I asked
"Aren't we forgetting something? like i don't know. OUR SWIMSUITS?!" He told me
"Oh yea haha blonde moment" I said going to my suitcase to get my swimsuit.
"Get my favorite mint green bikini please" I turned to see Calum winking or like the tenth time today
"Kk!!" I said skipping to the bathroom to change

*after everyone is changed*
"Hey Calllllll" I called smiling
"Yessssssssssss cutie?" He said
"I gotta ask you something. It's a secret tho so. Shhhhh" I said smirking
"Oh god" he sighed bending over so my mouth was next to his ear.
"Can you give me a piggyback ride to the pool?" I giggled
"Of course!" He jumped and got into position.
"YAY!" I jumped up on his back and hugged him from behind. At one point in the elevator he almost dropped me on purpose cause that's just Calum. And I almost his Luke in the face but I mean oops. As we got to the pool and put our stuff down Calum took my hand and ran into the freezing water. When we re-serviced I looked around for Calum and just as I was about to move to the stairs to get out to tan I felt a pair of tan & toned arms, which belonged to Calum, wrap around my waste to take me under water. Once we got under water he turned me around, and yep. Kissed me. I wasn't really surprised cause I mean it's Calum were talking about here, he is a crazy, outgoing person. And also we did this the first time we started dating back in LA.

*after swimming for about an hour*

"I'm hungry!!!!" Michael whined
"You always are" Luke told him
"That's true" I piped in
"Ughhhh. Let's just go eat" Michael said
"Fine" Luke budged

Now you're probably wondering where Ashton and Claire are. Well as Ashton says it's something "special" but I'll believe it when I see it. So basically it's just Calum, Michael, Luke and I. Yep I'm the only girl with 3 children. Oops I mean boys. Guys? Men? Haha no.

As we were eating dinner it was actually kinda quiet. We all just sat there on our phones. But being Calum he didn't bring his phone down. So he decided it would be cool to take mine and do whatever he's doing on it. Probably checking Twitter or something. But nope that night once we got back to the hotel room after walking around past midnight I found over 200 pictures of Calum making stupid faces. But I gotta admit it was adorable. But I'm super tired so I'll talk to him about it tomorrow. Once I climbed in bed I past out. The last thing I heard was Calum say goodnight and wrap his arms around me.


Heyyyyy! It's Kaity @khood18 and I'm sick :(((( so since I'm not at school I decided to write. But anywhoooo SPRING BREAK IS IN 2 DAYSSSSSSS STARTING FRIDAYYYY!!! IM SO EXCITED! But I'm doing nothing over spring break so. I guess I'll just be on Twitter or staring at this damn snow on the ground -....- but I hope u enjoys. I really didn't like this chapter but I got feels so😁😂🙈 comment thoughts? Byeeeee

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