"And now we're gonna go there"

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Ashton's pov
It was 3:45 am and I hear heart aching sobs coming from Luke's room. This is not the first time this week it's happened. It's actually happened every night so far. I walk into the semi-dark room and see Luke crying, his penguin on the floor and the covers off his bed. Just Luke in a fetal position crying his eyes out. "Lukey" I whisper unsure If he knows I'm here "go away ash" he screams not loud but quiet enough for me to hear. "Luke I know you need me so stop" he finally looks at me with sadness in his eyes. "Ash I'm sorry I just scared and freaked out" "Luke have you ever talked to a doctor about this" I ask unsure of what the answer is "yeah" "thats a good start what did they say"
"Well they said they can't do anything about it" "okay then let's try to get you to sleep" I grab his sheets and penguin and tuck him in. "Good night Luke" "night ash"

Luke's POV
I woke up uneasy about my surroundings, then I realized that I was in my room. I was in my nirvana shirt and sweatpants. I sat up and felt a little pain in my head. I just sat there for a bit more until I felt better. I got up and walked downstairs and while on my way to the kitchen I saw Calum and Kaity cuddled up on the couch watching tv I said good morning and got one back from Calum not Kaity. Maybe she was sleeping.? When I walked into the kitchen Michael and Ashton stopped what they were doing and looked up at me.
"Hey mate. Are you okay?" Ashton asked
"Yeah I'm doing a lot better" I replied
"That's good!" Michael piped in
"Yep" I said grabbing a bowl of cereal. When Calum walked in
"Hey Cal!" Ash said with a smile "I thought Kaity was with you?" He continued.
"She's asleep on the couch she wasn't feeling good last night so she didn't really get enough sleep" he said with a small frown. "Aww is little Cal-Pal worried about his girlfriend?!" Michael said like he was talking to a baby.
"Yes. Yes I am. It's my duty as a good boyfriend to worry about her" he said in defense.
"Wow. Go Cal" I laughed a bit.
"Anyways. I came in here to ask if you guys wanted to go to the beach today with Kaity and I. If she is feeling better? we were talking about it last night" Calum asked
"Yeah sure" the boys and I replied
"Alright cool. Tell Claire about it Ash" he said
"Got it!" Ashton said giving him a thumbs up

Claires POV
I woke up remembering the interesting events that happened last night. Ash told me we were going to the beach. I go to check on Kaity and I see her snuggled up to Calum obviously not feeling too well. "KT!"
"you going to the beach"
"I don't know"
"if you don't go we can always have a girls day you know watch mean girls and eat ice cream"
"I'm in"
I tell the boys Kaity isn't feeling good and I'll take care of her. Calum starts to argue and I tell him it's okay and not to worry. He's such an over protective boyfriend.

Ashton starts to fake cough and I laugh.
"Claire I think I'm sick can I stay home with you pleaseeee"
"Ashton no"
"Pleaseeee" he says dragging out the 'e'
"Ash I said no"
"I'm staying home" he firmly says
I finally break out and yell
I pull Ashton out of the living room to talk to him

"Sorry Ash i over reacted"
"It's okay babe but can I stay home"
"Let me check your temperature then if you have a fever you can stay"
Ashton looks disappointed and Kaity just looks at me and laughs with me.

*after temperature is taken"
"98.2 that's normal nice try baby"
"I don't want to gooo"
"Stop it ash just go already okay"
"Fine love you babe"
"Love you more have fun"

Kaity and I start our movie Marathon with mean girls the boys just left and I start the movie but first Kaity and I have to go out to get ice cream.

We arrive at the store and see a familiar girl who looks like my best friend from America Meghan with her boyfriend Hayes.
"Meghan, Hayes"
"Claire is that you" Meghan runs towards me engulfing me in a hug.

"MEGHAN!!!!!! OMG!" Kaity yells to her sister
"KAITY!!! HIII HOW ARE YOU?!!!" She shouts back.
"I've been good in just not feeling well right now" Kaity said frowning
"Aww that stinks" Meghan said
"Oh! And guys this is my boyfriend Hayes!" Meghan said while Hayes wrapped his arm around Meghan's waist
"Aww that's cute, hi Hayes I'm Kaity, Meghan's older sister. and I've seen you on vine. Your brother and his friends are so funny! And cute" Kaity said whispering the last part
"Haha thanks I guess" Hayes said shyly. "You don't have to be shy around them. They're crazy" Meghan reassured him

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